
This is csna.26.09 in view mode; [Up]

Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: stark@superc.che.udel.edu
Subject: SUBMISSION: Archie.tar.Z
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Archie 2.09a is a 3.0 NeXTSTEP analog of George Ferguson's Xwindow
based archie client.  It provides all of its functionality with
the niceties of the NeXTSTEP interface, as well as documents and
interactive ftp sessions.  The program is based on the query.[ch],
ftplib.[ch], and Prospero library subset provided with George's
2.0 beta version of Xarchie.

This version is markedly improved over the previous versions, 1.37
and below.  If you have NeXTSTEP version 3.0, I highly recommend
obtaining the new version.

Archie Documents
	Archie now makes use of documents called  ArchieSessions.
The documents can be saved for later access.  Any expansion
of directories in the initial archie server response are saved in
the document.

Automatic Expansion of Directories
File Transfers Use Remote FTPD Directly
Interactive FTP Sessions
Support for Opening Files in the Workspace

Send in your comments
	This initial release is to get a number of people using
the program so that any remaining errors and problems can
be flushed out.  I appreciate the input you have provided for
previous versions, and I encourage all to continue to send me
suggestions, bugs, no matter how small.

And finally, obtaining Archie
	The binary may now be obtained via anonymous ftp from cs.orst.edu.

Scott Stark		Sat Jun 26 08:15:19 CDT 1993
stark@superc.che.udel.edu	(NeXT mail accepted)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.