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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM (Conrad Geiger)
Subject: JOB: NeXT Hiring Software Engineers for HP Object/Enterprise Development
Reply-To: Avadis_Tevanian@next.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Please send your resume to:

	Avie Tevanian
	NeXT Inc.
	900 Chesapeake Dr.
	Redwood City, California 94063
	Email: Avadis_Tevanian@next.com

NeXT Hiring Software Engineers for HP Object/Enterprise Development

NeXT and Hewlett-Packard recently announced a joint marketing and
development alliance called Object/Enterprise.  The Object/Enterprise
product suite is made up of several components including a port of
NEXTSTEP to PA-RISC based computers, Portable Distributed Objects
(reference port for HP-UX, portable to other operating systems) and
NetInfo for HP-UX.  NeXT is looking to hire several people to help
implement Object/Enterprise.

In particular, we are looking for individuals with strong technical
backgrounds to work on porting all layers of the NEXTSTEP product,

o  compiler technology (GNU-based Objective-C compiler and debugger)
o  operating system (Mach/UNIX kernel, commands and libraries)
o  window system (Adobe's Display Postscript)
o  tool kits (appkit, dbkit, indexing kit, 3dkit, netinfokit, ...)
o  applications (Workspace, Mail, ...)

We are also looking for individuals to work on the Portable
Distributed Objects (PDO) reference port (targetted for HP-UX).  This
work includes:

o  GNU compiler suite integration with native HP-UX tools
o  portability engineering and product integration for the
	Objective-C runtime, foundation classes and Distributed
	Object runtime
o  general product integration of all components including the
	compiler, debugger, and runtime.

Please send your resume to
	Avie Tevanian
	NeXT Inc.
	900 Chesapeake Dr.
	Redwood City, California 94063
	Email: Avadis_Tevanian@next.com

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.