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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: manzara@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Leonard Manzara)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Trillium Sound Research announces NS/FIP TextToSpeech Kit
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

For Immediate Release: 


Calgary, Alberta, Canada - June 21, 1993 - Trillium Sound Research
Inc. today announced the port of their TextToSpeech Kit (tm) to '486
hardware under the NEXTSTEP (tm) operating system.  Based on new sound
hardware, the product is expected to ship in the 4th quarter of 1993.

The TextToSpeech Kit allows users to convert any length of text to
synthesized speech in real-time.  Users and applications can easily
control the pitch, intonation, speaking rate, volume and stereo
placement of the speech, as well as start, stop and continue it with
delay-free response.

"The TextToSpeech Kit was a natural fit to the NeXT computer, since
that hardware combined powerful signal processing and audio
capabilities into an integrated computer system," said Leonard
Manzara, President of Trillium.  "We now see those capabilities
available on '486 hardware with the introduction of several new audio
boards, expressly designed for NEXTSTEP.  We intend to support each
card as it is made available."

David Hill, Vice-President of Research, stated: "Text-to-speech is an
important extension to the user interface.  The ability to convert
arbitrary text into speech enables all kinds of important, innovative
applications from telephone access to databases, through workstations
for the blind, to literacy skills teaching and speech therapy.  We
think NEXTSTEP is an ideal environment in which to build such
applications, and the move to white hardware greatly increases the
number of people who are likely to benefit."

The company currently has a special offer on their TextToSpeech User
Kit.  It is available for black hardware for 1/3 off the regular
price, with a free upgrade to the '486 version.  The offer expires
July 31st, 1993.  "At $95 US, this represents incredible value for our
customers," said Craig Schock, Director of Marketing.  "Not only will
customers be able to use either platform with equal ease, but they can
economically upgrade to a Developer Kit whenever they wish."

Trillium Sound Research Inc. was formed in 1990 as a spin-off company
from the University of Calgary.  The company produces and markets
audio and acoustics software tools and systems based on the latest
research.  The company is working on a workstation for the visually
disabled called Touch'n Talk (tm), and continuous speech recognition.

For more information, please contact:

        Trillium Sound Research Inc.
        1500, 112 - 4th Ave. S.W.
        Calgary, Alberta, Canada
        T2P 0H3

        Tel:  (403) 284-9278
        Fax:  (403) 282-6778
        Order Desk:  1-800-L-ORATOR (US and Canada only)
        Email:  manzara@cpsc.UCalgary.CA

TextToSpeech Kit and Touch'n Talk are trademarks of Trillium Sound
Research Inc.  NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT, Inc.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.