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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Claire Normand <claire@cubx.com>
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Cub'x Systemes announces availability of Cub'X-Window v4.0 (X11R5 for NEXTSTEP)
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


For more information, contact:

	Cub'x Systemes
	+33 1 47 08 74 40
	+33 1 47 08 74 41 fax

	North America:
	Interactive Technology, Inc
	503 644 0111
	503 644 8494 fax

Paris, France, June 14th, 1993. Cub'x Systemes announces the
availability of Cub'X-Window version 4.0, the FASTEST X11R5 X Window
System for NEXTSTEP computers.

With Cub'X-Window, you can run X applications locally on your
NEXTSTEP computer, or display X applications running on other X
Window workstations of your network.

You can also develop or port X applications on your NEXTSTEP computer
with Cub'X-Window Development Tools module. Cub'X-Window supports
Tab Window Manager (twm), O.S.F. Motif 1.2 is available.

"I believe a major factor to NEXTSTEP success is the user ability
to efficiently access his legacy applications. NEXTSTEP advantages
are so manifest, using NEXTSTEP is adopting it. Nevertheless, there
is a transitory time during which applications based on the previous
system are still needed. This period must be untroublesome for a
successful move to NEXTSTEP. " said Gerard Laurent, Cub'x Systemes
General Manager.  "Experience shows that many X Window users turning
to NEXTSTEP are extremely disappointed by the low speed level they
often get with X client/server solutions on NEXTSTEP computers.
This is why we developed Cub'X-Window with a strong focus on speed.
" "Cub'X-Window not only provides all features for the best
communication between X and NEXTSTEP, but also permits users to
get the fastest display of X apps on NEXTSTEP machines. Each
Cub'X-Window upgrade pushes forward the limit of X speed performance,
and it is our ambition to keep on providing a high-quality Cub'X-Window
solution on Intel based NEXTSTEP computers."

Cub'X-Window for NEXTSTEP for Intel processors (NSFip) will be
available in July 1993. This Intel version provides on white hardware
the very same range of high quality features and X display options
provided in Cub'X-Window for NeXT hardware. Cub'x Systemes' developer
team is proud to announce it has succeeded in increasing X display
speed on Intel based NEXTSTEP computers to an unprecedented  level.

Cub'X-Window unique range of features and X display options :
Cub'X-Window provides X function key emulation, cut/paste features,
save X screen as Tiff, X application launch panel, manual pages
available under Librarian.app, host access limitation, NEXTSTEP
Services... and many more!  Cub'X Window offers a unique range of
4 display options to tune the degree of integration between X and
NEXTSTEP for best match with your X apps display and speed requirements
- Run X applications in the NEXTSTEP environment, simultaneously
with NeXT applications.
- Run X in full screen display, in a virtual screen parallel to
the NEXTSTEP one.
- Run 2 X servers simultaneously, one inside NEXTSTEP, the other
displayed in full screen.
- Run X applications without NEXTSTEP (available on NeXT hardware

Try Cub'X-Window NOW!!!
You can take a look now at Cub'X-Window v4.0 for black hardware by
downloading its demo version located on archive server CS.ORST.EDU
in directory /pub/next/submissions. If you cannot easily access
ftp sites, please contact us to get the demo diskette.  The demo
of Cub'X-Window for NSFip will soon be put on the same archive

Not Satisfied?
If you are not satisfied with the commercial X Window solution for
NEXTSTEP you have purchased and wish to access the speed and high
quality features of Cub'X-Window, please contact info@cubx.com to
know more about our Special XChange Program.

Cub'x Systemes, located in Paris, France, is the center of expertise
for NEXTSTEP in France, through its NEXTSTEP training center,
NEXTSTEP software development and NeXTSTEP distribution center.

Cub'X-Window is a trademark of Cub'x Systemes S.A. NEXTSTEP is a
registered trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other brand names
mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.