
This is csna.24.summary in view mode; [Up]

Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: sanguish@digifix.com
Subject: SUMMARY: csn.announce Week 24 - 1993
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Comp.sys.next.announce postings for the last week (week 24).
Tuesday June 8 through Tuesday June 15

	SUMMARY: csn.announce Week 23 - 1993
	PRESS RELEASE:  NXFax Wins NeXTWORLD Best of Breed Award
	BOOK: Buyers' Guide to NEXTSTEP Computing
	SUBMISSION: New version of FONT INSTALLER program
	PRESS RELEASE: Sirius Solutions announces CheckSum financial software
	PRESS RELEASE: Dolphin Announces Dolphin Kit NeXTSTEP Library
	SUBMISSION: 3.0 version of NXPGP uploaded to sonata and cs.orst.edu
	SUBMISSION: PGP-NeXTmail interface (with ShellText program)
	MEETING: June Puget Sound Meeting Announcement
	SUBMISSION: Make_it1.2
	SUBMISSION: yav yet another video encoder/decoder for NeXT on cs.orst.edu & sonata.cc.purdue.edu
	PRESS RELEASE: SmartSoft, Inc. introduces DiskMaker(tm) for NEXTSTEP
	PRESS RELEASE: SuperDebugger 3.6 for NEXTSTEP
	PRESS RELEASE: Software Services and Solutions announces ObjectWare palettes

	If your submission is not listed above, please contact me at 
next-announce-request@digifix.com so we can see what happened. If
you missed an announcement, I can next-mail it to you.  I will also
be packaging these up and uploading them to cs.orst.edu when I get 
a chance. 

	Submissions can be sent to next-announce@digifix.com
	Information/suggestions to next-announce-request@digifix.com
	Please send submissions as non-next mail.  
	This makes the approval process much easier.

	Version update!
	paula.1.0a.tar.Z and paula.1.0a.README have been uploaded to 
	ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de, sonata.cc.purdue.edu and cs.orst.edu.
	At these sites they reside in the respective submission directories (the
	files will probably be moved in some days,

	New in version 1.0a:
	- some bugs fixed.
	- Edit and Services menus implemented.
	- ModFile Directory now configurable.
	- play list shows either modnames or filenames.
	- included a tool to convert mod.* filenames.


	As always feedback is welcome.

	Scott Anguish

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.