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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: "Robert L. Masterson" <Robert_Masterson@sss-gw.sss.com>
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Software Services and Solutions announces ObjectWare palettes
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


June 14, 1993

	Robert L. Masterson, Vice President
	Software Services and Solutions, Inc.
	Phone (203) 630-2000
	Fax (203) 630-2020
	email rlm@sss.com

Meriden, Connecticut, June 14, 1993 - Software Services and Solutions,
Inc., Announces ObjectWare for Custom Software Development:
SSSInputFieldPalette, SSSMultiViewPalette, and SSSBarGraphViewPalette

Software Services and Solutions, Inc., a major open-systems technology
consulting firm, today announced volume shipments of its
SSSInputFieldPalette, SSSMultiViewPalette, and SSSBarGraphViewPalette
products for software development under NEXTSTEP.  The three palettes
of ObjectWare contain user interface objects that are completely
compatible with NEXTSTEP's InterfaceBuilder, allowing programmers
to graphically incorporate them into their applications and test
the interface without compiling.

The SSSInputFieldPalette allows developers to create user interfaces
that will ensure that keyboard input has acceptable format and
content.  The SSSInputFieldPalette contains input fields and forms
that can be configured to guide user input to prevent errors and
disallow incorrect input on a keystroke by keystroke basis.
Developers can easily and quickly specify the correct formats
through inspectors.  These formats can include patterns or strings
that must conform to a set of choices, such as month names or names
from a database table, and such string sets can be specified
programmatically or in InterfaceBuilder.

"Our SSSInputFieldPalette allows developers easily to construct
user interfaces that perform complex format and content validation
on keyboard input.  A programmer need only do a simple drag and
drop operation to set up an SSSInputField to perform referential
integrity checking against a database column.  Our format specification
is an extension of that used by the standard I/O library already
familiar to programmers, so the learning curve on the SSSInputFieldPalette
is very short." said Robert L. Masterson, Vice President of Software
Services and Solutions, Inc.

The SSSMultiViewPalette's objects manage window real estate when
it is at a premium. The SSSMultiView allows an area in a window to
display different panels at run time based on the user's actions.
This approach to window design allows different logical segments
of the application to be designed on separate panels and kept off
screen until needed.  Unlike other "panel managers", there is no
limit to the number of panels that a single SSSMultiView can display.

The SSSBarGraphViewPalette gives developers instant access to
graphical representations of schedules, process life graphs, time
lines, and more.  The objects of the SSSBarGraphViewPalette work
together to create a display of data as horizontal bars.  The
SSSBarGraphView can automatically scroll with time.  The visual
attributes of the view, such as axis labels, titles, and marking
style, can be set with an inspector.

There are no runtime license fees associated with any of the
ObjectWare from Software Services and Solutions, Inc..

The single developer license prices for the palettes are $395.00
US for the SSSInputFieldPalette, $145.00 US for the SSSMultiViewPalette,
and $395.00 US for the SSSBarGraphViewPalette.  Multi-developer
and site licenses are available at discounts; contact Software
Services and Solutions, Inc., for details.

The SS&S ObjectWare is available for NEXTSTEP 3.1 on the Intel 486,
as well as on NeXT hardware, and application developers can use
this ObjectWare to create applications for both architectures.
SS&S ObjectWare is also compatible with earlier versions of NEXTSTEP.

Software Services and Solutions, Inc., is in the process of creating
three Motif widget sets and Windows NT class libraries that will
provide versions of this ObjectWare for development of applications
targeted for Sun, Hewlett Packard, and Digital platforms, among
others.  Contact Software Services and Solutions, Inc., for further

For more information, contact Robert L. Masterson, Vice President,
Software Services and Solutions, Inc., at 94 Murray Street, Meriden,
Connecticut 06450, or via email to rlm@sss.com, phone to (203)
630-2000, or fax to (203) 630-2020; or contact Bruce LeSourd at
the SS&S, Inc., Pacific Northwest Regional Office at 1222 East
Crockett Street, Seattle, Washington 98102, or via email to
lesourd@pnw.sss.com, phone to (206) 860-9295, or fax to (206)

Software Services and Solutions, Inc., is an information technology
consulting firm specializing in open systems technology, object-oriented
software design and development, and networking.  Through its two
main offices and various ancillary offices, Software Services and
Solutions, Inc., provides technology consulting, reengineering,
and custom development services to businesses and governments

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.