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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: hhsu@impact.com (Henry Hsu)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: SuperDebugger 3.6 for NEXTSTEP
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Impact Software Publishing announces SuperDebugger 3.6 for NEXTSTEP


Contact: Henry Hsu
Phone: (718) 472-0600
FAX: (718) 472-0160
E-mail: info@impact.com

New York, NY, June 14, 1993 - Impact Software Publishing announced
today that SuperDebugger (tm) version 3.6 is being shipped. 
SuperDebugger 3.6 is a NEXTSTEP (i486 & NeXT) program which can
reduce application development time by making debugging much faster
and easier on NEXTSTEP.

SuperDebugger 3.6 simplifies debugging by providing an intuitive
graphical interface with many enhancements and features to save time.
It features dynamic display of source-level execution, point and
click setting of breakpoints, savable debugging environments,
user-definable macros, a variable contents display, a dynamic local
variables browser, a methods browser, a breakpoints browser, and much
more.  (The dynamic local variables browser gives users the ability
to easily inspect and trace dynamic variables.)

SuperDebugger 3.6 also features a simple interface for setting
conditional breakpoints, and enhancements such as the ability to
bring up a header file by double-clicking on a source class in the
methods browser.  SuperDebugger 3.6 is very easy to learn, and
includes an extensive context-sensitive help facility.  SuperDebugger
3.6 can also be easily set as the Project Builder's default debugger
so that it starts up automatically when the "Debug" button is pressed
in the Project Builder.

Registered licensees of SuperDebugger and Gdb licencees who upgraded
to SuperDebugger are all entitled to a free upgrade to SuperDebugger
3.6. (SuperDebugger 3.51, 3.53, and 3.6 all use the same set of
license keys.)

Requests for a demo version of SuperDebugger 3.6 can be sent to
demos@impact.com.  A demo version of SuperDebugger 3.6 is also
available by FTP from:

	FTP Site: nova.cc.purdue.edu
	Directory: /pub/next/3.0/com
	Program: SuperDebugger3.6.tar

	FTP Site: cs.orst.edu
	Directory: /pub/next/demos/tools
	Program: SuperDebugger3.6.pkg.tar

For users without NeXTmail or FTP access, free demo floppies of
SuperDebugger 3.6 can be requested by calling 1-800-822-3385.

SuperDebugger is a registered trademark of Impact Software Publshing,
Inc. (c) 1993, All Rights Reserved.  NEXTSTEP is a registered
trademark of NeXT, Inc.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.