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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: b44729@achilles.ctd.anl.gov (Samuel Pigg)
Subject: SUBMISSION: 3.0 version of NXPGP uploaded to sonata and cs.orst.edu
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

NXPGP1.0.1 has been uploaded to cs.orst.edu and sonata.cc.purdue.edu
in the /pub/next/submissions directories.

It may move to /pub/next/2.0/src on sonata.cc.purdue.edu
and /pub/next/sources/misc on cs.orst.edu.
(that's where the old version that worked under 2.1 ended up)

This version fixes some things that prevented it from working
correctly under 3.0, as well as some other stuff.
(Great thanks to Scott Hess for helping me out with a problem!)

>From the readme file:

	This is release 1.0.1 of NXPGP, which runs under NeXTSTEP 3.0.

	NXPGP is a NeXTSTEP interface to Phillip Zimmerman's pgp
encryption package. NXPGP uses the services menu to allow you to
select text in an application and encrypt, decrypt, sign, or check
the signature of.
	This allows the user to decrypt and encrypt mail from inside
of Mail.app, sign and check the signatures of articles in NewsGrazer
or NewsBase, and encrypt any ascii text from inside of an application,
without the bothersome need to save the text to a file, grab a
shell window, cd to the directory, type out the pgp command to
decrypt, typically having to give a filename for the plaintext (or
encrypted text), and then deleting the original, and then opening
the file in another application.
	While not being difficult, the above operation can become
quite tedious, and tends to discourage routine usage of pgp for
mail and News article posting usage.

Note: NXPGP1.0.1 does not actually include pgp, it is a front end for
it, so it is legal to distribute NXPGP1.0.1 across the U.S. border.

NXPGP1.0.1 is "donateware". You aren't required to give any money to use
it, but it would be helpful.

Full source code is included, of course.

The NXPGP1.0.1.tar.Z file conatins two files:

	NXPGP.app		The 3.0 application itself.
	NXPGP1.0.tar 		The tarred 3.0 source.
	NXPGP1.0.tar.sig	A signature of NXPGP1.0.1.tar made with my 
				pgp key. This ensures that the source has
				not been tampered with. My key is available
				from the internet key servers.
	NXPGP1.0.README		This file.

Remember to use binary mode when downloading NXPGP1.0.1.tar.Z

-Sam Pigg

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.