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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: eronike@cerf.net (Tony Austin)
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: IconMaker by BlueSky Software
Reply-To: eronike@cerf.net
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

Blue SKY Software, 
P.O. BOX 57096 
Sherman Oaks Ca., 91403.
FAX: 989-4928 
E-Mail: eronike@cerf.net 

IconMaker is used to create icons for folders, files and applications.
Operating system requirements for IconMaker is NeXTSTEP 3.0 or

The most notable standout in IconMaker is it's large drawing window.
The obese bits or detail tools in other Icon programs are quite
small in comparison. The IconMaker drawing window allows you to
see the fine detail of an icon and correct it accordingly without
squinting your nose up to the screen to see how it looks.

Tools Include: 

A PEN and LINE tool that can be enlarged up to10 points. A TEXT
tool.  A BUTTON tool, CIRCLE and SQUARE tool that can be filled
with one color and have a different line color or line weight.

An ICON VIEWER that displays what ever is being worked on in the
DRAWING WINDOW at final icon size. (A 3/4 inch are of workspace
gray surrounds the image so as to illustrate how it would actually
look in a workspace environment.

A GRID CONTROL that allows you to place a  light, dark, black or
white grid on top of your art work to aid you in keeping your art
work balanced. The GRID CONTROL can also be placed behind your
artwork or turned off if not needed.

A HIGHLIGHT TOOL  is provided that allows you to view your icon as
if it were highlighted in the workspace area.

An ICON IMPORTER imports existing TIFF or EPS images allowing you
to crop the image to create new icons at any chosen depth.  (2bit
color, 8bit color, 12 bit, color or 24bit color.)

The ICON IMPORTER tool will display the full TIFF or EPS image in
the upper portion of an import window with a 48 by 48 pixel  "cutting
box" drawn on top. The 48 by 48 box represents the size of an icon.
You can grab and place the box on any portion of the TIFF or EPS
image that you

would like to crop and import. The contents of the cutting box is
shown in a viewer in the lower portion of the import window to
illustrate exactly how the image would look as a final Icon.

An ICON BROWSER which lets you view all the icon sized TIFFS that
are placed in a folder. See an icon sized TIFF you like; double
click the image and it's  imported into the drawing window for

An ICON INSTALLER panel that installs your icons as an .dir.tiff,
(The icon image of a folder, file or application.) or the
.opendir.tiff, (What the icon would look when something was placed
in the folder or file.)

used in your own workspace folders and files or even in applications
you create for resale. The icons range in industry specific related
art to just fun things like a 1922 Underwood typewriter or a hovering
paper airplane casting a drop shadow below it.

Icon Maker is fun and makes better Icons.

....."IconMaker is the easiest program I've seen for creating and
installing new icons."   (Michael K. Mahoney 1 Chair of the Department
of Computer Engineering and Computer  Science at California State
University of Long Beach. Co1author of NeXTSTEP PROGRAMMING STEP

Price $150

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.