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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Stone Design Announces Database and Graphic Design Services for NEXTSTEP
Reply-To: katie@stone.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


For Immediate Release

For more information, contact:

	Katie Graunke
	Stone Design

Stone Design Announces Database and Graphic Design Services

SAN FRANCISCO, May 24 - Stone Design, a pioneer in the NEXTSTEP
market and maker of DataPhile, Create and 3D Reality, announced at
the NeXTWORLD EXPO this week that it has begun offering
database-design and graphic-design services.

"Using our own, extensively tested database and graphics software,
we're designing custom database solutions and artwork," said Andrew
Stone, founder and CEO of the Albuquerque, New Mexico-based company.
"It's a natural extension of our established business. And because
we're a developer, it's always been our job to get the most out of
NEXTSTEP and our apps."

On the information-management side, Stone Design will use DataPhile,
a flatfile database system, to produce custom database applications
for NEXTSTEP sites and users. DataPhile was recently named the "best
database application of 1992" by respondents to a Usenet survey.

"What it comes down to is, we believe in our products enough to start
a new business that depends entirely upon them. Our customer-service
staff uses DataPhile all day, every day, to maintain our customer
database and to produce great-looking invoices, labels and
envelopes," said Katie Graunke, who is coordinating the start-up of
Stone's design services. "Likewise, our technical staff assists
customers with every aspect of database design and is skilled in
creating the most intuitive, flexible and attractive database
templates I can imagine on any platform."

Stone Design will use Create, its 2.5-dimensional, full-color drawing
package, and 3D Reality, its 3D modeling and rendering software, to
produce everything from business graphics, ad designs, newsletter and
business-document layouts to 3D product-design sketches and logos.
"The best part is, we developed these products. Technical support for
our designers is a desk away," Stone said.

According to Stone, the company assembled an in-house production
system to answer its own need to produce high-quality PostScript
images and 3D renderings for advertisements and other graphics
projects. "We're hoping we can use what we've learned from experience
to save our customers some of the headaches usually associated with
print production," he added.

Stone Design is in Booth #408 at the NeXTWORLD EXPO, which is being
held in San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center, May 25-27.

Stone Design Corporation of Albuquerque, New Mexico, founded in 1984,
develops a variety of business-productivity applications for

# # #

Create, DataPhile and 3D Reality are trademarks of Stone Design
Corporation. NEXTSTEP is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other
brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.