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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: eXTRASET and Goldleaf Imagesetter Win NeXTWORLD Best of Breed Award
Reply-To: joe@goldleaf.com
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


For Immediate Release


	Josef Bresler, Marketing Manager	
	Voice:	415.257.3517	
	Fax:   	415.454.8106	
	Internet: joe@goldleaf.com	

eXTRASET and Goldleaf Imagesetter Win NeXTWORLD
Best of Breed Award

Kentfield, CA, May 25, 1993 - Goldleaf Systems announces that
eXTRASET, and the Goldleaf Imagesetter, won the NeXTWORLD Best of
Breed Award in the Peripherals category. This software and hardware
combination produces high resolution output from any NEXTSTEP
publishing application without the need for a stand-alone Raster
Image Processor (RIP). eXTRASET's high speed and ease-of-use make it
the perfect addition to NEXTSTEP-based technical documentation

Goldleaf will demonstrate eXTRASET and the Goldleaf Imagesetter in
Booth 628 at NeXTWORLD Expo in San Francisco, May 25-27.

Outputting to eXTRASET is as easy as printing to a laser printer.
eXTRASET supports resolutions from 600 to 3000 dpi and is easily
accessed through the Print panel of any application that can print.
Set your line screens, spot color separations and other film
specifications with eXTRASET or in the application you are using.
eXTRASET fully supports NEXTSTEP's built-in Display PostScript Level
2, giving users high resolution output in a minimum amount of time.

Service bureaus, print shops and in-house publishing departments can
use eXTRASET and the Goldleaf Imagesetter to decrease overhead and
increase throughput. Users can run all black-and-white spot color
jobs on the eXTRASET System and free up their high-end imagesetters
for complex color work. By having an in-house eXTRASET System, users
are allowed greater freedom to carry out last minute revisions, thus
giving them strong time and cost advantages over companies who rely
soley on outside vendors.

The Goldleaf Imagesetter is based on an ULTRE engine, and color
systems feature the Color Quality Registration Option (CQR) for
extremely accurate registration. The Goldleaf Imagesetter connects
directly to your computer's SCSI port. This eliminates the need to
purchase a separate, stand-alone raster image processor (RIP), saving
thousands of dollars.

eXTRASET is available as a complete software and imagesetter package
and can be purchased directly from Goldleaf Systems, or through
authorized VARs and VADs. Prices vary according to system
configurations, ranging from $19,000 to $37,000.

Privately held GS Corporation develops and distributes software and
systems solutions for object-oriented client/server computing. The
Goldleaf Systems division markets NEXTSTEP-based hardware and
software solutions for technical publishing and the graphic arts. The
Collaggi Software division develops and distributes database
publishing products.

ULTRE is a trademark of the ULTRE Division of Linotype-Hell
Corporation. Goldleaf Systems, eXTRASET, and the Goldleaf Imagesetter
are trademarks of GS Corporation.  NeXT and NEXTSTEP are trademarks
of NeXT, Inc.  All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.