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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: davisre@sage.cc.purdue.edu
Subject: SUBMISSION:  Gnuplot NeXTSTEP Interface 1.2
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

	The latest version of the NeXTSTEP interface for gnuplot has
been submitted to sonata.cc.purdue.edu and cs.orst.edu.  At both sites
it currently resides in /pub/next/submissions.

	Because of the package's large size, I have split it into two
files:  one contains the source, the other the compiled application.
Please see the README files at the FTP sites.


	Additions in 1.2

   Extensive interactive help

   Now saves a plot as a Gnuplot Document, EPS, or TIFF.

   More control over the interpretation of data files

   Much more control over the placement of contour lines

   New style, steps, in Data Inspector

   Release includes a Workspace Contents Inspector for looking at the
attributes of .gnuplot files from the Workspace (optional installation)

	Improvements in 1.2

   Underlying pasteboard operations have been improved.  The plot
image can be copied via the edit menu or dragged from the plot
window to any destination expecting EPS, TIFF, or the filename of
the EPS.  The window behaves "nicely":  if you drag the image, the
window does not come to the front, but if you click the image, it
does.  The image drags with hysteresis, as well.

   The app is now much better at parsing text files that were
created manually (i.e. with a text editor or gnuplot's "save"
command, instead of with the NeXTSTEP interface).  This greatly
improves compatibility with existing gnuplot documents (can load
all the standard demos now) and fixes a few problems with punctuation
in function titles.

   The appearance and operation of the Data Inspector have been
simplified and much of its functionality removed to a new Data
Options Panel which allows, among other things, changing all selected
functions' styles in one fell swoop.

   Each Inspector Pane is now loaded lazily -- the first time it
is selected.  Launch time is shorter.

Nick Strobel's gnuplot NeXT terminal can be used when running
Gnuplot from the command line.

   Two independent sets of ranges are stored for each plot now,
one for cartesian plots and one for polar plots.  The result is
that pressing the polar button in the General Inspector twice does
not mess up your ranges.

   Adding, modifying, and deleting user-defined tic marks in the
Tic Options Panel is easier because the auto-selection of tic
marks in the scroll list is sensible.

   All text fields now apply their text when Return or Tab is pressed.

	Fixes in 1.2

   Contour status of a plot is now set properly when the plot is

   Copy menu command correctly copies EPS (and TIFF, filename) when
plot window is key.

   App no longer crashes when you bring up the Inspector with no
current document.

   A problem with quotation marks in titles and labels throughout
the app has been fixed -- the NeXTSTEP interface allowed nested
quotes, but gnuplot did not.  Now neither does.

   Cursor no longer changes to an I-Beam over areas of the Inspector
panel that formerly contained text fields.

   Choosing Close from the Plot menu then choosing Cancel from the
Save Panel no longer closes an unsaved plot.

   A sneaky little bug that caused random crashes, especially when
opening and closing many documents or adding and deleting many
different functions or data files, has been fixed.

   Selecting multiple data files in the Workspace and choosing one
of the "Plot in Gnuplot" services now correctly plots all the
data files and not just the first one.

   The Windows menu no longer becomes unreasonably wide.

	Please send your comments, suggestions, criticism, and bug
reports to Robert Davis (davis@sonata.cc.purdue.edu).

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.