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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: kho@hubble.fokus.gmd.de (Klaus Hofrichter)
Subject: SUBMISSION: Sced1.2 on cs.orst.edu
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


on cs.orst.edu pub/next/submissions you may find Sced1.2.tar.Z, a little  
app that comes with source-code-only. It might move to  
pub/next/sources/utils at some day.

Sced is a small tool that allows the handling of document-files with  
extensions, that do not conform the applications definition. This might be  
interesting for people with DOS floppies (or DOS partitions on the hd.  
There might be some of these out there, right?)

A common problem is the three-letter-extension of DOS-files, incompatible  
with apps like Framemaker (probably (tm)) on NeXT (tm again?). Frame wants  
to see "mydoc.frame", and not "mydoc.fm", "mydoc.frm", etc. This is where  
Sced (no tm!) comes in.
You can use Sced to define your own extensions and map them with  
applications and file icons. Sced will take the "fileOpen:ok:" method from  
WM and ask the proper application to do the job. It is possible to create  
your own icons for documents.

After installing Sced it should be possible to double-klick in "mydoc.fm"  
and Frame comes up! See the pretty icon! You can do some configuration for  
other apps and extensions.

The major drawback: Due to the fact WM builds an internal table of  
extensions and applications at login time, you have to compile Sced for  
your site. This is not very complicated, but you have to modify  
undocumented C code. There is no dynamic configuration right now. 

The actual version is 1.2. It differs from previous versions:
The table-of-extensions includes one more field: the proper extension. It  
is now possible for Sced to create a link from "/tmp/myfile.frame" to  
"/DOS/myfile.fm" and let the WM open the application. This allows to use  
the WM's Applications preferences (not very interesting for Frame, but for  
other extensions such as .eps). You can remove the old version.

Sced is free of any copyright. 

Take care and have fun! If you have ideas, bug-reports etc. please let me  
know. There may be (or may be not) another version in the future.

- Klaus

kho@fokus.gmd.de (NeXTmail is nice)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.