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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Conrad_Geiger@next.com (Conrad Geiger)
Subject: PanCanadian Enters Strategic Alliance with NeXT
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

PanCanadian Petroleum Limited

Karen Logsdon
NeXT Computer, Inc.
(415) 780-3786
Marianne Wood	
(403) 290-2220

PanCanadian Enters Strategic Alliance with NeXT

ALBERTA, CANADA-PanCanadian Petroleum Limited and NeXT Computer,
Inc. today announced that PanCanadian will use NeXTSTEP 3.1 for
Intel Processors as the primary software for the development and
delivery of custom business applications internally.  PanCanadian,
a major Canadian oil and gas producer, is developing custom
applications to enhance various aspects of its business,
principally in its Operations Group.

"We selected NeXTSTEP for its advanced object-oriented
capabilities," said Roger Coates, coordinator of technology
management at PanCanadian.

NeXTSTEP significantly reduces application development time while
improving application quality.  In addition, it offers direct
benefits to users through its highly integrated object-oriented
development, database, graphic, communications and multimedia

"With the migration of NeXTSTEP to industry-standard hardware, the
deployment of this platform became both practical and advantageous
for PanCanadian," Coates said.

NeXTSTEP is the leading object-oriented software environment for
developing and deploying client/server applications.  NeXTSTEP for
Intel processors is the version of the software that runs on
industry-standard PCs powered by Intel486 and Pentium

Currently, PanCanadian is in the first stage of a four to
five-year program to upgrade its information management
capabilities.  When NeXTSTEP is fully deployed in approximately
three years, the majority of PanCanadian's professional staff will
use the NeXT software for many of their business activities.

"PanCanadian's plan to develop custom applications to support its
core business exemplifies the optimum use of NeXTSTEP to achieve
competitive advantage," said Bob Longo, NeXT's director of North
American sales.

NeXT develops and markets the industry-acclaimed NeXTSTEP
object-oriented software for industry-standard computer
architectures.  NeXTSTEP is used by medium and large organizations
to develop and deploy client/server applications, using both custom
and shrink-wrapped productivity software.  NeXT is headquartered at
900 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood City, Calif., 94063.

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These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.