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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Conrad_Geiger@next.com (Conrad Geiger)
Subject: NEXTSTEP for Intel Processors Ships on May25
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


Karen Logsdon
NeXT Computer, Inc.
Marilyn Kilinski
Ketchum Public Relations


NeXT delivers widely-acclaimed object-oriented software for
Intel-based PCs, targeted for corporate developers of
client/server applications; users can significantly accelerate the
deployment of custom applications:

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - May 25, 1993; Providing software for users to
take advantage of two major corporate computing trends -
rightsizing to client/server environments and object-oriented
application development - NeXT Computer, Inc. today announced the
worldwide availability of NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 for Intel processors
and NEXTSTEP Developer.

NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 for Intel processors is NeXT's object-oriented
software that runs on industry-standard Inteli 486- and
Pentium-based PCs.  NEXTSTEP Developer provides visual application
construction tools and reusable application objects for the
development of NEXTSTEP applications.  NEXTSTEP has received
customer and industry accolades for speeding the development of
custom applications.

NeXT users can purchase PCs with NEXTSTEP preinstalled from a
number of leading PC manufacturers, value-added resellers, system
integrators and resellers.  Users may also purchase shrink-wrapped
copies of NEXTSTEP through value-added resellers, system
integrators, software resellers and directly from NeXT.

Object-oriented productivity for the enterprise

"We now offer complete enterprise-wide, object-oriented solutions
on a range of industry-standard PCs, from desktops to notebooks,"
said Steven P. Jobs, chairman and CEO of NeXT.  "Working together
with our industry partners, NeXT provides the software that allows
our customers to rightsize their business applications to a
client/server environment, while gaining two to five times the
productivity of other approaches."

NEXTSTEP is the most advanced object-oriented software available
today and is used to develop and deploy custom applications
comprising custom and off-the-self software.  Its integrated user
interface allows all applications to seamlessly interoperate and
share a common graphical user interface.  It also enables corporate
customers to continue to take advantage of their existing
applications and data while simultaneously gaining all the
productivity and technical benefits of custom NEXTSTEP

"No development environment anywhere matches the power of NEXTSTEP
for Intel processors," said Ingvar Petursson, chief information
officer at McCaw Cellular Communications, a NEXTSTEP customer.  "We
have already proven this power with previous versions of NEXTSTEP,
delivering applications to thousands of McCaw users in a matter of
weeks, not the months required by other environments.  With
NEXTSTEP for Intel processors, we plan to expand our capabilities
to a wide range of industry standard hardware platforms."

"While Intel's 486-based PCs are ideal for most client/server
applications, we have designed NEXTSTEP for Intel processors so
that Pentium-based systems will provide workstation-class
performance for users who require it." said Jobs.  "For the
applications we have benchmarked, the Pentium provides at least
twice the performance of an equivalent 486."

Customers already using NEXTSTEP in their core operations-and
planning to deploy additional applications on NEXTSTEP for Intel

 - Swiss Bank Corporation (financial trading)
 - William Morris Agency (talent)
 - McCaw Cellular (telecommunications)
 - Abbott Labs (healthcare)
 - WilTel (telecommunications)
 - PanCanadian (oil and gas)
 - Fidelity Investments (retail marketing)
 - UBS Securities (financial trading)
 - Chrysler Financial (financial services)
 - U.S. Department of Defense
 - Preferred Health Care, Ltd. (health program management)

Ideal for building and deploying client/server applications

Using NEXTSTEP's visual application construction tools, developers
can rapidly assemble reusable software objects into complete
applications.  NEXTSTEP's object-oriented framework and reusable
object kits, "ObjectWare," helps developers create client/server
applications more quickly and easily, and allows them to integrate
them more tightly than with traditional tools.

NeXT's ObjectWare is serving as the catalyst for a totally new
category of third party software developers - developers who build
reusable objects for sale to corporate developers.  Today, NeXT's
ObjectWare catalog features 1412 objects developed by third
parties, up from 615 listed last year.

NEXTSTEP also provides customers with distributed objects, a
distributed object messaging architecture that allows objects
residing on one computer to transparently send messages to objects
residing on another computer.  Using distributed objects,
developers can assemble client/server applications using NEXTSTEP's
visual application construction tools to connect the objects,
avoiding the complexity of implementing client/server with
traditional approaches.

With NEXTSTEP's Database Kit, included as part of NEXTSTEP,
customers have transparent client access to enterprise data
residing on servers and mainframes.  Database access adaptors for
ORACLE and Sybase are bundled with NEXTSTEP.  Adaptors for other
popular databases, including DB/2, IMS, Ingres, GUPTA and Informix
also are available.  NEXTSTEP's distributed objects and Database
Kit round out its strong advantage as the client/server application
development environment of choice for today's corporate computing

Interoperability with DOS/Windows applications, NetWare and NFS

NEXTSTEP for Intel processors offers interoperability and
compatibility with Microsoft DOS/Windows environments, including
file transfer and the ability to run DOS and Windows applications
within NEXTSTEP via PC emulation.  Using SoftPC, the technology
developed and sold by Microsoft's supplier, Insignia Solutions of
Mountain View, customers can continue to take full advantage of
their existing applications while simultaneously gaining all of the
benefits of full object-oriented operation.   

"Our DOS/Windows compatibility is exceptional because we use
exactly the same technology that is being supplied to Microsoft for
emulation under Windows NT," said Brett Bachman, director of
product marketing at NeXT.  "With SoftPC, customers can be
guaranteed they are always up-to-date with Microsoft's latest
release of DOS and Windows, and that they can continue to develop
custom applications on NEXTSTEP without being concerned about
compatibility with the latest DOS and Windows applications."

NEXTSTEP also includes bundled support for Novell NetWare and Unix
Network File System (NFS), allowing preservation of existing
investments in server and network connectivity.

Pricing and availability

NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 for Intel processors is available immediately,
worldwide.  It comes bundled with the user interface in six
languages and retails in the U.S. for $795.  It includes the
NEXTSTEP graphical user interface,  NeXTmail electronic mail, a
suite of productivity applications and bundled database and network

NEXTSTEP Developer includes all of the tools and reusable objects
needed to develop NEXTSTEP applications and is also available
immediately.   It retails in the U.S. for $1,995 and requires
NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 for Intel processors.  Pricing for each
version varies in other countries, as well as for higher education
and registered developers.

NeXT Computer, Inc.

NeXT develops and markets the award-winning NEXTSTEP
object-oriented software for industry-standard computer
architectures.  Customers use NEXTSTEP to develop and deploy custom
client/server applications, using both custom and shrink-wrapped
software.  Headquartered in Redwood City, California, and with
offices throughout  the world, NeXT serves customers requiring
enterprise-wide, object-oriented productivity environments.

# # # #

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.