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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Eric Bloom <bacchus!eric@uu2.psi.com>
Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Pixel Magician and Image Agent MAB
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


For more information, contact:

	Bacchus, Inc.
	Mieke Erdtsieck
	Tel: 310/820-9145
	Fax: 310/820-5930
	E-mail: info@bacchus.com


Santa Monica, California - May 20, 1993 - Bacchus, Inc. announces
Pixel Magician 1.4 and Image Agent 1.2, Intel/Motorola versions of
their popular image conversion applications for NEXTSTEP.

Pixel Magician and Image Agent give NEXTSTEP users the ability to
share, access, import and export a wide variety of images from many
different computer platforms. Images from other platforms can be
easily integrated into page layout, drawing and imaging applications.

With Image Agent users can drag and drop non-native image files
directly into NEXTSTEP applications, such as Diagram! 2, Concurrence
and Pages, and have the images instantly appear. Image Agent performs
the image conversion as if part of the actual application in use.

For those requiring more image conversion options, Bacchus offers
Pixel Magician, its advanced image conversion application. Pixel
Magician provides mass image conversion, image viewing, color
quantization and dithering, PostScript to raster, precise scaling
and rotating, variable image resolutions, alpha channel support,
thumbnail views and flexible output options.

Supported image formats include: TIFF, GIF, PICT, PCX, JPEG, TARGA,
FAX, PS, EPS, Windows BMP, Sun Raster, IFF,  PNM, XBM, XWD and
others. In addition to many enhancements and optimizations, version
1.4 adds Kodak Photo CD and RIB support.

Bacchus offers network floating node versions of Pixel Magician and
Image Agent. Heterogeneous licensing is supported, e.g., network
licenses can float between NEXTSTEP Intel based machines and NEXTSTEP
Motorola based machines.

Both products will be demonstrated at the NeXTWORLD Expo, booth
#317, May 25 - May 27. Special pricing will be offered to all
NeXTWORLD Expo attendees.

Pixel Magician has a suggested retail price of $299. Image Agent
is included free with Pixel Magician or can be purchased separately
for $99. Network and site license pricing is available on request.
Both products are available directly from Bacchus and through
authorized distributors, VAR's and dealers.

Bacchus, Inc., founded in 1985 and based in Santa Monica, CA,
specializes in the development of graphics and communications
software for UNIX Workstations.


Pixel Magician and Image Agent are trademarks of Bacchus, Inc. All
other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.