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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Conrad_Geiger@NeXT.COM
Subject: COMDEX Update: NEXTSTEP for Intel Shown at Spring COMDEX in Atlanta, Georgia
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

For further information, contact:

	NeXT Computer, Inc.
	900 Chesapeake Drive
	Redwood City, CA 94063
	Phone: (800) 879-6398

NEXTSTEP for Intel Shown at Spring COMDEX in Atlanta, Georgia

You are invited to attend the NeXT suite at Spring COMDEX in Atlanta.
If you will be unable to attend NeXTWORLD Expo in San Francisco
during the week of May 25 - 27 but will be at COMDEX, come and see
NEXTSTEP for Intel Processors.  Why wait to get what Taligent or
Microsoft will have in two to three years?  NEXTSTEP will be here for
Intel Processors on May 25th!

        Time:  All day, Wednesday and Thursday, May 26 - 27, 1993
        Location: East Concourse Room 305 (across from the
		registration area)
        Events: Regular showings of Steve Jobs NeXTWORLD Expo keynote
		video and drawings for free NEXTSTEP software

NeXT Computer, Inc. develops and markets the industry-acclaimed
NEXTSTEP object-oriented software for industry-standard computer
architectures such as the Intel 486 and Pentium.  NEXTSTEP is used by
corporate customers to develop and deploy client/server applications,
using both custom and shrink-wrapped productivity software. NeXT will
be introducing the NEXTSTEP 32-bit object-oriented operating system
and development environment running on Intel-based computers on
Wednesday and Thursday (May 26 and 27) only.  Steve Jobs' keynote
address from NeXTWORLD Expo, happening in San Francisco concurrent
with COMDEX, will also be shown in the suite's theater.  NeXT's suite
is located in the East Concourse Room 305 across from the
registration area.

Also look for NEXTSTEP in the Dell booth and NEC suite at Comdex!

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.