
This is csna.20.24 in view mode; [Up]

Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: cgeiger@next.com
Subject: Final Update: NeXTWORLD Expo Registration, Hotel and Travel Information
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


Mail completed form to:

        204 Andover Street
        Andover, MA 01810

-OR- Fax to: 508/470-0526  (24 hours a day)

-OR- Call Toll-Free: 800/767-2336  (US only: 8:30a.m.- 6:00p.m. EST)

-OR- International Registration: 508/470-3880

Please check all that apply:

Developer Conference (#3032)
        ____ $695
        ____ $745 (on-site)

User Conference (#3033)
        ____ $195
        ____ $245 (on-site)

Exhibits Only (#3034)
        ____ $25
        ____ $40 (on-site)

User Group Program
        ____ FREE (Open to all attendees who register)

Developer Conference Package (#3032N): Includes all conferences
registration and a copy of NEXTSTEP for Intel processors User
Environment and Development Tools for your 486 computer
        ____ $995
        ____ $1095 (on-site)



Name:  ______________________________   Company:  __________________

Title: ______________________________   Division: __________________

Name:  ______________________________   Street: ____________________

Title: ______________________________   City: ______________________

Name:  ______________________________   State/ZIP: _________________

Title: ______________________________   Phone: _____________________

                                        Fax:  ______________________

Authorized Signature/Date: _________________________________________

Method of Payment

_______ Check enclosed payable to NeXTWORLD EXPO

_______ Visa

_______ MasterCard

Card number: ____________________________

Expiration date: ________________________

Cardholder Name: ________________________

_______ Bill my firm. Attention of: ________________________________

Conference cancellation policy: Substitutions may be made at any
time. Cancellations made by May 11, 1993 will be accepted, subject to
a cancellation service charge of $100.  Confirmed registrants who do
not attend the conference or cancel after May 11, 1993 are liable for
the entire registration fee. All cancellations must be made in

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hotel and Travel Information

NeXTWORLD EXPO is pleased to offer you special discounted hotel
overnight rooms and airfares.  To receive discounted reservations or
information on these special services, please call Conference and
Travel Services (CATS) at 800/767-2755 or 508/470-3933 or fax your
request to 508/470-0526.

_____   San Francisco Hilton (Single or Double: $150)

_____   The Donatello (Single or Double: $115)

_____   Holiday Inn Union Square
        _____   Single: $115
        _____   Double: $135

_____   Monticello Inn (Single or Double: $120)

_____   ANA Hotel
        _____   Single: $130
        _____   Double: $150

_____   Savoy Hotel (Single only: $109)

_____   Campton Place
        _____   Single: $160
        _____   Double: $185

_____   Cartwright Hotel
        _____   Single: $109
        _____   Double: $119

Please indicate your first three hotel choices.  We will notify you,
in writing, of your confirmed hotel assignment.

A credit card is needed to Guarantee Your Hotel Reservation

_____   VISA
_____   MasterCard
_____   Am. Express
_____   Diners Club
_____   Discover
_____   Personal Card
_____   Corporate Card

Cardholder Name: ____________________   Arrival/Departure ___________

Company Name:   _____________________   Signature: __________________

Card Number: ________________________   Business Phone: _____________

Expiration Date: ____________________   Home phone: _________________

Fax Number: _________________________


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.