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Newsgroups: From: Subject: Final Update: NeXTWORLD Expo Tutorials and BOF Meetings Organization: Next Announcements Approved: Hands-On NEXTSTEP Tutorials If you're new to NEXTSTEP, this is your chance to learn the basics...and if you're a seasoned developer, you can sign-up to spend some time with an expert on the subject of your choice. Extending from the show floor, the NEXTSTEP hands-on tutorial area sponsored by Dell Computer, provides instructions and mini-sessions for both end users and developers. User Tutorials are scheduled throughout the three days of the Expo to introduce new users to NEXTSTEP and to provide guidance on navigating the workspace, working with applications, and using NEXTSTEP features. Developer Tutorials provide two learning opportunities: hands-on instruction in "boot camp" issues as well as one-on-one time with a NeXT expert on specific development topics. Birds-of-a-Feather Meetings Developers can conduct a limited number of Birds-of-a-Feather get-togethers on Wednesday evening, May 26, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Room reservations are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Email to reserve a room for your special interest group. Please include your coordinator's name, an email address, and an abstract of the session. NeXTWORLD Expo Bof (Birds of a Feather) Schedule: Wednesday, May 26, 1993 5:00 - 6:00pm: Developer Conference Room 132 Guerrilla Marketing for NEXTSTEP Developers Organizer: Conrad Geiger, NeXT This BOF session will cover the tactics for reaching the NeXTSTEP users and potential NeXTSTEP users of NeXTSTEP and your product. Working with user groups, the press, resellers, and VARS/VADS will be the focus of this informal sharing of ideas. 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 130 OPEN Protocols for NEXTSTEP (OPN) Organization Organizer: Marcos J. Polanco, The Research Libraries Group While NEXTSTEP offers remarkable technologies for application development, the full benefit of object orientation will not be realized until the technical and political barriers to the emergence of a vibrant object marketplace are tackled. These problems include licensing, distributed object management, end-user objects, and standards for inter-object communication. Open Protocols for NEXTSTEP (OPN) provides a common forum where the entire NEXTSTEP community can debate and resolve these issues. We will discuss OPN's charter and focus. 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 131 Sound, Music and DSP standards for NeXTSTEP/Intel Organizer: Michael McNabb, Independent Consultant The original NeXT computers were embraced by a large community of computer music and digital audio artists, researchers, and developers. The machine's greatest appeal was that it provided a common platform with a powerful minimum set of standard hardware and software features, allowing a much greater exchange of work and ideas than in the past. NeXT's move to Intel hardware presents a great challenge to this community. PC audio and music hardware standards do not really exist, and NeXT itself will only be supporting a reduced set of software standards. The community must now define its own set of standards and supported hardware in order to preserve existing capabilities, encourage development, and maintain interchangeability. This session will include brief presentations from various perspectives by members of the NeXT audio and DSP community, and a face to face discussion of these issues. 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 132 NeXT Means Business: How Can Developers Sell More? Organizer: Peggy Thompson, Paget Press How can developers better reach the customer bases looking for NeXT products? How can we work together more efficiently? Developers can share success stories on how to get visibility for their products. 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 133 IndexingKit SIG Organizer: Jack Greenfield, NeXT Have you built an interesting data structure with IXBTree? Are you wondering how to store a graph of objects in IXRecordManager? The Indexing Kit BOF will provide an informal setting for the exchange of tips and tidbits relating to the Indexing Kit. IXKit developers from around the NeXT community will be in attendance, and IXKit author Jack Greenfield will be on hand to share techniques, and to answer your questions. Developers familiar with IXKit are encouraged to come and share their experiences. Developers thinking about using IXKit are encouraged to come and learn how the IXKit can help them with their application. 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 120 Virtuoso SIG Organizer: Lorin Rivers, Altsys The session will feature a few advanced guest designers to lead in a discussion of the different solutions that Virtuoso provides to NeXTSTEP users. Each designer will discuss a different solution for Virtuoso and NeXTSTEP, including: Business graphics - presentations, corporate identity pieces, business cards, annual reports, etc.; Graphic design - creating infographics, logos, special effects, product packaging, posters, etc.; Page layout - Working with text, bringing files together into large documents, creating newsletters, brochures, etc. This will be an open discussion for users to openly discuss and share information and techniques for using Virtuoso in their work. It will also enable potential and advanced users of Virtuoso to learn new tips and tricks. Door prizes will be awarded as well. 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 122 NeXT in Law Organizer: Gregory Miller, Inherent Technologies, Inc. This is the annual meeting for the NeXT-in-Law User Group, JuriNUG. While JuriNUG convenes at other American Bar Association functions, this meeting is a chance for anyone and everyone interested in the use of NEXTSTEP in the legal profession to gather and exchange ideas, discuss issues, and learn about this rapidly developing vertical market. The meeting is open to anyone, not just legal professionals interested in learning about the legal computing market. If you have specific questions or have a particular item for an agenda, please contact Greg Miller at 503-224-6751 or 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 123 Custom Applications Developed with Objective DB Toolkit Organizer: Valerie Birk, Logibec The all new Objective DB Toolkit version 3 offers developers 4GL capability with a script language that puts the development of custom applications within the reach of any developer. The Toolkit also offers an extensive choice of field templates, the possibility to overlay views without the use of Objective C code. The Objective DB Toolkit development environment is built on top of NeXT's Database Kit which provides adaptors to Sybase and Oracle for fast development of mission critical client/server applications. 7:00 - 8:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 130 (OPN continued) Incrementally Creating Apps at Run-time (The Other Half of Interface Builder) Organizer: Charles L. Perkins Many early NeXTSTEP developers were excited by the promise of programming entirely within Interface Builder, creating a fully interpretive, rapid prototyping environment with loadable palettes of objects. Despite 3.0 additions, I.B. does not provide that environment. The "other half" of I.B. must provide glue to link arbitrary objects and NIB files together at run-time, and must allow a rich set of possible connections between them without constraining the meaning of those connections. If such a framework includes the ability to modify the currently running application's state, entire applications can be created at double-click time or even while they are running, in an incremental and amazingly flexible manor. One such framework will be presented, to stimulate discussion. 7:00 - 8:00 pm: Developer Conference Room 120 Color Management for NeXTSTEP Organizer: William Bonekemper, HERE, Inc. HERE's color management system benefits every NeXTSTEP user who needs to produce calibrated and controlled color output. This session will convey information and instruction concerning how the Color Management System works and how to use it with NeXT application software. This is accomplished through the use of live demonstrations on a large projection system where NeXT applications are utilizing HERE's Color Management System.
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and