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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: mary@metrosoft.com (Mary Donnelly)
Subject: SUBMISSION: MetroTools by Metrosoft
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


Contact: Mary Donnelly
(619) 488-9411 Fax: (619) 488-3045
E-mail: info@metrosoft.com
Metrosoft Announces MetroTools 2.0

San Diego, May 10, 1993 - Metrosoft announced today that
it will be shipping MetroTools 2.0 at the NeXTWORLD Expo.
MetroTools is an integrated set of utilities that help
make life easier in the NEXTSTEP environment. Version
2.0 runs on both NeXT and NEXTSTEP/Intel computers. It
- AppLauncher - a highly configurable dock extender.
  Create groups of applications and documents, show their
  names, use miniature icons, launch complete groups with
  a single double-click and much, much more

- NiteLite is a full featured screen saver which  allows
  you to have an animated Workspace backdrop, or slide show
  of your favorite images. It can lock your screen without
  logging out. NiteLite comes with an assortment of
  modules. The user can choose to  run multiple modules
  simultaneously and also run the screen saver and
  backdrop while the NEXTSTEP login window is up.

- Font Installer greatly simplifies the process of
  installing fonts, and converting Macintosh-based
  PostScript fonts for use on your NEXTSTEP computer. In
  fact you can install megabytes worth of fonts in a variety
  of formats, using a single drag followed by a button

- Also an Archiver, File Locator and Sound Importer 

- An expandable shell that other developers can use to
  develop their own tools.

- Full NEXTSTEP 3.1 online help

"We are excited that NEXTSTEP/Intel is becoming a
reality", said Ron Miller - Vice President,
Development, "as developers because it opens a whole new
arena to develop for; as end users because now more
developers will write programs for NeXTSTEP."

  - Nomimated for the 1993 NeXTWORLD BoB award
  "...MetroTools has done a great job in integrating
            utilities that make NeXTSTEP life easier..."
                 - Jiro Nakamura, NeXTwatch  10/92

  "...Convenience and value recommend this bag of tricks."
                 - NeXTWORLD, Winter 1992

Given the recent events in the NeXT marketplace, 2.0 will
be a free upgrade to all previously registered owners.
The new purchase price of 2.0 is $89, with a special show
price of $69.

Metrosoft guarantees that current owners of MetroTools
will be continually updated and that in no means is the
product being discontinued for use on NeXT computers.


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.