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Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: scott@nic.gac.edu (Scott Hess)
Subject: Announcing TickleServices1.0
Reply-To: scott@nic.gac.edu (Scott Hess)
Organization: Next Announcements
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com


Contact:	Scott Hess
		12901 Upton Avenue South, #326
		Burnsville, MN  55337
Telephone:	(612) 895-1208
Internet:	scott@nic.gac.edu	or	shess@ssesco.com


An Evolutionary Framework For Rapid Prototyping of NeXTSTEP Services

May 13, 1993, 3:00am CDT

SCOTT'S DEN - Almost everyone in the NeXT market is familiar with
at least one of the wide variety of service-providing ``applets''
available on the network.  These provide services ranging from
reformatting and quoting email messages to copying the name of the
currently selected file to the Pasteboard.  Unfortunately, such
applets are too useful and one begins to notice a row of
services-providing applets arrayed across the bottom of the screen,
plus a couple hanging around in the background as daemon processes.
Furthermore, almost all of these applets contain large amounts of
duplicated code to implement the interface to the NeXTSTEP services
facility, which translates directly into duplicated effort.

TickleServices is an attempt to address this problem.  TickleServices
provides a framework upon which new services entries may be built.
It uses a string-based scripting language to direct execution, which
allows many text-handling services to be written in just one or two
lines.  Instead of writing fifteen lines of Objective-C code to
support two lines of actual services work, the user can write the
two lines that were needed and be done with it.  Built-in commands
are provided for a number of commonly required functions, such as
prompting the user for input or selecting files in an Open Panel.

TickleServices allows for much more rapid prototyping of new services
than Objective-C does.  When the user modifies a TickleServices
service, they save it and the new version is available immediately
for testing.  The user need not wait for the provider to compile,
nor be concerned with replacing the currently running version with
the newly built version.  In the time it might take to look up the
documentation needed to write an Objective-C services provider, the
user will likely have the service finished in TickleServices.

As a side effect of the ease of developing and modifying new services,
TickleServices1.0 includes a library of 68 example services, many
of which implement services that used to require the aforementioned
basket of applets.  These services range from handling archive files
to counting words in text to reformatting C /* ... */ comments.
Beyond the basic utility these services provide to any user, they
are a valuable source of code to copy and paste for use in new

"Since I started using TickleServices, I have been able to climb
entire flights of stairs without losing my breath," said Scott Hess,
the company's most junior programming apprentice in an unsolicited
testimonial.  "I used to be logy in the morning, and would lie abed
until late in the afternoon.  Since TickleServices, I awake earlier
every morning, eager to get back to writing useful new services to
automate my NeXTSTEP computing needs."

Availability and Pricing

TickleServices1.0 is available NOW for NeXTSTEP2.1 and NeXTSTEP3.0.
In the tradition of Stuart, TickleServices is shareware, and will
be distributed via the same tried and true channels;  namely, the
Internet archive sites.  TickleServices has been placed on
sonata.cc.purdue.edu under pub/next/submissions, but it may eventually
migrate to pub/next/2.0/com.  It has also been placed on the west
coast archive site cs.orst.edu.  It was going to be placed on the
European archive site fiasko.rz-berlin.mpg.de, but that site refused
the connection.  To unarchive TickleServices, use the command
"zcat TickleServices.tar.Z | tar -xvf -", or use the Workspace
Contents panel under NeXTSTEP3.0.  If you do not have ftp access,
contact Scott Hess and he can send you a copy.

TickleServices for Intel(R) Processors is currently in beta test,
and will be released pending lack of negative feedback from the
beta testers.  TickleServices/FIP will be distributed as a
Multi-Architecture Binary under the same terms as the current

TickleServices is priced at $30 for an individual license and $20
for a student license.  Site licenses are available for both academic
and commercial/government sites.  Since TickleServices is shareware,
the user is allowed a reasonable evaluation period during which
they can determine if TickleServices provides functionality that
they are willing to pay for.

Scott Hess develops and distributes the popular Stuart terminal
emulator, and also crafts custom code for clients willing to foot
the bill.  Periodically he contemplates becoming a company, or even
a corporation, but he so intensely dislikes wearing a suit that it
is doubtful if we will ever find the capital to do so.  Located in
beautiful Burnsville, Minnesota, Scott's den is the scene of much
caffeine-driven sorcery.  Residents of nearby Savage have frequently
complained of the bright flashes of colored lights emanating from
his window, though the frequency of such complaints has fallen off
markedly since the curse was renewed last April.

TickleServices may become a trademark of Scott Hess or any company
he accidentally founds or makes agreements with, so don't use it
for your product.  NeXTSTEP is a trademark of NeXT, Inc.  Intel is
a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.  Any other trademarks
are surely held by their respective trademark holders.  If not,
then they aren't.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.