
This is csna.19.11 in view mode; [Up]

Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.announce
From: Alberto Ricart <alberto@parsec.mixcom.com>
Subject: SUBMISSION: DotFiles.package.compressed
Reply-To: alberto@parsec.mixcom.com
Approved: sanguish@digifix.com

We have place the following files for FTP access at:
cs.orst.edu and nova.cc.purdue.edu


>From the README file:
Release 1.00  Copyright (c)1993 by SmartSoft, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


What It Does
	It accelerates the process of becoming an UNIX Expert
	through Preferences. And toggles your current UNIX Expert
	setting. It is a service provider application, so you don't
	have to search for it. It is always available in the
	Workspace Manager's services menu.

	DotFiles is NOT free - If you use it, send a registration
	fee of $5. Registering your copy will qualify you to free
	updates, and help us develop other NEXTSTEP products for
	your enjoyment.

	Copy to  ~/Apps/

Hints and Tips
	This product is NOT FREE, if you use it, please send $5 or
	whatever you think it is worth to:

		2220 East Linnwood Avenue
		Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211

Known Bugs and Other Built-In 'Features'
	NS3.1 PR1, The Workspace does not seem to update as quickly
	as on 3.0 systems. Anyone running PR2, I'd be interested
	in knowing how it works there.

	Please report any other bugs or comments  that you may have
	to:  smartsoft@parsec.mixcom.com

Future Enhancements
	Send in your comments.
About SmartSoft
	SmartSoft, Inc., is a Wisconsin corporation dedicated to
	producing software for NEXTSTEP.  We are currently working
	on a breakthrough technology that will revolutionize image
	manipulation software as we know it. Keep an eye on us!!
	Graphics applications will never be the same...

SmartSoft's current products (All available thru FTP at cs.orst.edu):

	The mother of all space and asteroid type of games. Graphics
	are excellent specially in COLOR, if you have a color
	machine you don't want to miss this!  - Licenses are $35/ea.

	A preferences panel module for synchronizing your NeXT
	computer's clock with the cesium clocks administrated by
	the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Licenses
	are $5/ea.

	It accelerates the process of becoming an UNIX Expert
	through Preferences. And toggles your current UNIX Expert
	setting. It is a service provider application, so you don't
	have to search for it. It is always available in the
	Workspace Manager's services menu.  Licenses are $5/ea.

SmartSoft, Inc., 
2220 East Linnwood Avenue, 
Milwaukee, WI 
Phone: 414/964-8864, 
Fax: 414/964-4672
Email: smartsoft@parsec.mixcom.com

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.