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Date: Sun 20-Nov-1991 03:28:43 From: eps@futon.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott) Subject: Public release of pft+ -- an enhanced pft utility Since NeXT now feels that the benefits outweigh the risks involved in publicizing the means for creating "non-secure" PostScript contexts (refer to postscript.752 in the current NeXTanswers release for details), I am pleased to be able (finally!) to make an enhanced version of NeXT's pft utility available. (For those of you who aren't familiar with it, pft is a command- line program which allows direct access to the Display PostScript interpreter contained in the NeXTstep Window Server.) pft+ conforms with NeXT's documentation for pft, with the addition of a -writefiles option, which enables the "normally" disabled file operators. This permits use of packages such as Glenn Reid's PostScript Distillery. This binary executable is for 2.1 systems ONLY. uudecode and uncompress... version of pft. This is not THAT version. This version was developed completely without NeXT assistance ... because NeXT no longer refuses to recognize the value of supporting Academic Developers, or Higher Education customers, for that matter. EPS' soapbox: According to Donna Simonides, NeXT's Director of Developer Relations, NeXT will waive the $1500 "Developer Training Course" normally a prerequisite for obtaining Registered Developer status only for ->commercial<- developers. I have nearly three years NeXT experience, and could no doubt *teach* Developer Camp. Yet NeXT won't certify equivalence. *I* don't have the $1500 they want for me to spend a week being indoctrinated with material I already know, displacing someone who could probably benefit a great deal more, not to mention having to take a week off work, in which I play a critical support role. My employer (the California State University) is in serious financial trouble --we're canceling classes, paring down faculty, and limiting enrollment--and they're not about to spend $1500 on something that they see as benefitting one person, when they can barely justify spending $200 on a piece of commercial software that would benefit 200 people. Yes, things are THAT bad here. We all know that higher education is in trouble in the U.S. Businesses are finding it more difficult to find suitable employees. And we're losing our competitive edge in world markets. America's future lies in its youth, and NeXT could play an important role in their preparation for the Real World. Steve knew this in the beginning, but seems to have lost sight of his vision. As a result, we're planning to fulfill much of our future workstation needs with products from Sun and SGI, even though we have a substantial installed base of NeXT machines. Developing for the NeXT shouldn't be a privilege reserved for a few. If you've been moaning about the lack of software available for the NeXT, perhaps delaying or canceling purchase plans because of it--you should know that there is a GREAT untapped reservoir of potential developers who have the time, the ability, the patience, and the resources to do something about this. But NeXT doesn't want to acknowledge this. They're too wrapped up in their bloodlust for short-term profits on Wall Street. They don't understand that EVERYBODY loses because of this. You, the customers, pay the salaries of every NeXT employee. YOU can make a difference. YOU must take the initiative, or YOUR investment in NeXT will suffer. (And maybe NeXT *won't* be around in two years...) I urge you to support higher education, by lobbying NeXT to make full Registered Developer status available to qualified Academic customers. While they haven't--yet--gotten to the "no f---in' way" point, their prohibitive pricing has entirely the same effect.' Do it. Do it TODAY. Do it RIGHT NOW, while it's still fresh in your mind. Not by telephone, not by e-mail. Send them paper. Send them lots of paper. They WILL read. With luck, they will respond! -=EPS=- "In the beginning they courted us, then they tolerated us, now they give us the cold shoulder..." ------- begin 755 pft+.Z M'YV0_MKI<P:@H(&"``(@%(`00<$!D!`J+#@1`(XO7Z`$.5)$2Q$I3Q"*'`EB MI,F3)@E(I(@$(Y4B6*B@%%FR8$V2(@\@+(!0)4*,=,K@H3,3@$N8,HL"0(&C MX(&D")I25#H3HQD[;=BD$?,EC9LT=&`4/!J3Z@M&!1D@?("V($.J)ZUBU<K5 M*]@88[^\+*MT1UN1&_Z^A3L2XY@Y=.1X/1-7+U*J?@L2D%,P,&$`@U%.#$`` M(Y$@5()0!8+PINF<"'4^%(F13!@Z88IZ!BU:*6F$<&R*S'S9Z!<Q<^8HG1UZ M=.ZBO$U6+/QES)LV;=ZX04F\=E$@QP'X'+E=L]**%[\P2>)D21$B29*:!'/R MMDG5`'BF1'BP(`V$%!#2J`_@19TY<KPP!QITO4"7$V7$],4<+@SAPH!TG<2? 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Date: Sun 25-Nov-1991 18:36:48 From: rreid@DPW.COM (r l reid ) Subject: Re: Public release of pft+ -- an enhanced pft utility In article <1991Nov20.032843.13873@csus.edu> eps@cs.sfsu.edu writes: >EPS' soapbox: > >Developing for the NeXT shouldn't be a privilege reserved for >a few. If you've been moaning about the lack of software >available for the NeXT, perhaps delaying or canceling purchase >plans because of it--you should know that there is a GREAT >untapped reservoir of potential developers who have the time, >the ability, the patience, and the resources to do something >about this. The other question that arises is, why is no one teaching NeXT development outside the confines of NeXT developer camp? I'd pay reasonable money to go to class one night a week for 13 weeks and do homework, but have no desire to spend a week in Pittsburgh PA getting overloaded (I've got a life, thanks). Some of you young hot dogs oughta consider doing this freelance, to help us old C/Unix types upgrade our minds. I could care less about NeXT certification. ro rreid@dpw.com
Date: Sun 25-Nov-1991 20:37:27 From: tgingric@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Tyler S Gingrich) Subject: Re: Public release of pft+ -- an enhanced pft utility In article <285@esquire.dpw.com> rreid@esquire.UUCP (r l reid ) writes: > >The other question that arises is, why is no one teaching NeXT >development outside the confines of NeXT developer camp? I'd pay >reasonable money to go to class one night a week for 13 weeks >and do homework, but have no desire to spend a week in Pittsburgh >PA getting overloaded (I've got a life, thanks). > >Some of you young hot dogs oughta consider doing this freelance, >to help us old C/Unix types upgrade our minds. I could care >less about NeXT certification. > Contact your local users group. (Where is dpw.com anyway??). The Central Ohio NeXT Enthusiasts (CONE) run a set of mini-developer camps on the Ohio State campus. We rent the Mathematica lab (38 stations), supply pizza & pop, and run the class for 7 hours on a Saturday. Total cost will be about $15/person for each day ($10 if > 20 show up). The course runs for 3 weekends. During the summer we had about 12 people "upgrade their minds" and 2 weeks ago we had 25 people show up of class #1. Instructors are all NeXTcamp grads, with a wide background of hardware and software development experience. So, if you are within driving distance of Columbus, OH -- attend our NeXT programming classes. You won't be "certified", but you will get a great head-start on programming the NeXT. Tyler Gingrich President Central Ohio NeXT Enthusiasts and "Intro to Mathematica 2.0" classes during winter quarter. Costs for each class will be around $15/person.
Date: Sun 25-Nov-1991 20:24:35 From: kls30@duts.ccc.amdahl.com (Kent L Shephard) Subject: Re: Public release of pft+ -- an enhanced pft utility In article <285@esquire.dpw.com> rreid@esquire.UUCP (r l reid ) writes: >In article <1991Nov20.032843.13873@csus.edu> eps@cs.sfsu.edu writes: >>EPS' soapbox: >> >>Developing for the NeXT shouldn't be a privilege reserved for >>a few. If you've been moaning about the lack of software >>available for the NeXT, perhaps delaying or canceling purchase >>plans because of it--you should know that there is a GREAT >>untapped reservoir of potential developers who have the time, >>the ability, the patience, and the resources to do something >>about this. > >The other question that arises is, why is no one teaching NeXT >development outside the confines of NeXT developer camp? I'd pay >reasonable money to go to class one night a week for 13 weeks >and do homework, but have no desire to spend a week in Pittsburgh >PA getting overloaded (I've got a life, thanks). > >Some of you young hot dogs oughta consider doing this freelance, >to help us old C/Unix types upgrade our minds. I could care >less about NeXT certification. > >ro >rreid@dpw.com I agree. I would pay for a class like this. Something on the order of $200-400 and have homework. I can't afford developer camp.
Date: Sun 25-Nov-1991 22:54:48 From: clp@home.HarvardSq.COM (Charles L. Perkins) Subject: Re: Public release of pft+ -- an enhanced pft utility In article <1991Nov25.203727.15202@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> tgingric@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Tyler S Gingrich) writes: > In article <285@esquire.dpw.com> rreid@esquire.UUCP (r l reid ) writes: > > > >The other question that arises is, why is no one teaching NeXT > >development outside the confines of NeXT developer camp? .... > Contact your local users group. (Where is dpw.com anyway??). The Central > Ohio NeXT Enthusiasts (CONE) run a set of mini-developer camps.... The Boston Computer Society NeXT User's Group ran a developer camp like this in January of this year, and is trying to set up something regular like this for the Boston area. Come to our meetings the first Tuesday of the month in Room 1-190 at MIT if you'd like more information... Charles
Date: Sun 26-Nov-1991 12:58:06 From: gsk@world.std.com (Geoffrey S Knauth) Subject: Re: Public release of pft+ -- an enhanced pft utility The Boston Computer Society, like the Central Ohio NeXT Enthusiasts (CONE), also offers NeXT development classes. Our demand hasn't been as strong as in Ohio, maybe because so many of our members have already been to Developer's Camp. I admire what CONE has done. We'd do the same, given the numbers. Instead, our instruction tends to be more personalized. I am one of the instructors. The coordinator is Andy Lee, of BCS-NeXT (lee@marble.com). Regards, Geoffrey. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C U T H E R E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In article <285@esquire.dpw.com> rreid@esquire.UUCP (r l reid ) writes: >The other question that arises is, why is no one teaching NeXT >development outside the confines of NeXT developer camp? In article <1991Nov25.203727.15202@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> tgingric@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Tyler S Gingrich) writes: >Contact your local users group ... The Central Ohio NeXT Enthusiasts >(CONE) run a set of mini-developer camps on the Ohio State campus. We >rent the Mathematica lab (38 stations), supply pizza & pop, and run >the class for 7 hours on a Saturday. Total cost will be about >$15/person for each day ($10 if > 20 show up).

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.