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Date: Sun 20-Dec-1991 12:19:58 From: (Samuel R. Oliveira) Subject: exchange $ervices to buy a NeXt. Hi, After 4 years of savings (as a grad.stud. with two kids - my wife has an F-2 visa so she could not work) I got $ 3200.00 to buy the computer of my dreams. Next march I will be back to my country. So, I would love to take a NEXT and its laser PRINTER with me. The configuration I want costs me (educational discount) now: (basic 8/200) $ 3950 + printer $ 1100 + software =~ $ 5400.00 I could do anything possible (and legal) to complete that money. Here, in USA, I could be a guinea pig for some software, I could be a sale person for some software/hardware here and in my country, I could do some software development, teach physics or math etc, etc... B.T.W in my country the the government is openning the computer/software market for foreign companies. So it could be a good ideia to have somebody there to be a good representative. I estimate there are about 500,000 persons/companies economically active ( total population is 150 millions) and in need of good, simple and reliable computers as the NeXt computer. There are some national companies which deal with IBM clones, and IBM itself has some joint-venture with other national companies. But Macs are almost inexistent, SUN now is begining there and the rest is just the rest. So I think there is a great potential to be explored by NeXt. Anyway, as I said I could do anything to take a NeXt with me. Could you help me. Suggestion, part-time/long distance job, pointers, etc., Here is my short vitae married with two daugthers M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Physics (Numerical Relativity, Black Holes, Chaos, Fractal, Solitons, Cosmology and Astrophysical Plasma) Computational skills: (fortran, unix, vax/vms, dos, plotting packages, X11 Windows,TeX, Mathematica, Derive, Reduce, several P.D. software ). Teaching skills: (T.A. in charge of undergraduate courses for 2 years, grader of graduate courses for 2 years) Distint Publications: 1) Finite Elment for the Initial Value Problem of Two Black Holes, in Second Texas Workshop on 3-d Numerical Relativity.(1991) 2) Localized Magnetic Field Relaxed States in a Plasma: Applications to Fusion and Cosmology, with T. Tajima. B.of Am. Phys. Soc. 36, (1991) pg 2360. 3) Fractal Structure in the scalar lambda phi^4 Theory, with P. Anninos and R. Matzner. Phys. Rev. D 44 (1991) pg 1147. 4) Model of two perfect fluids for an anisotropic and homogeneous Universe. Phys. Rev. D 40 (1989) pg 3976. 5) Superposition of Weyl solutions to the Einstein equations: cosmic strings and domain walls. with P. S. Letelier, Classical and Quantum Gravity 5, (1988) pg L47. Thanks,
Date: Sun 20-Dec-1991 12:37:58 From: (Samuel R. Oliveira) Subject: exchange $ervices to buy a NeXt. Hi, After 4 years of savings (as a grad.stud. with two kids - my wife has an F-2 visa so she could not work) I got $ 3200.00 to buy the computer of my dreams. Next march I will be back to my country. So, I would love to take a NEXT and its laser PRINTER with me. The configuration I want costs me (educational discount) now: (basic 8/200) $ 3950 + printer $ 1100 + software =~ $ 5400.00 I could do anything possible (and legal) to complete that money. Here, in USA, I could be a guinea pig for some software, I could be a sale person for some software/hardware here and in my country, I could do some software development, teach physics or math etc, etc... B.T.W in my country the the government is openning the computer/software market for foreign companies. So it could be a good ideia to have somebody there to be a good representative. I estimate there are about 500,000 persons/companies economically active ( total population is 150 millions) and in need of good, simple and reliable computers as the NeXt computer. There are some national companies which deal with IBM clones, and IBM itself has some joint-venture with other national companies. But Macs are almost inexistent, SUN now is begining there and the rest is just the rest. So I think there is a great potential to be explored by NeXt. Anyway, as I said I could do anything to take a NeXt with me. Could you help me. Suggestion, part-time/long distance job, pointers, etc., Here is my short vitae married with two daugthers M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Physics (Numerical Relativity, Black Holes, Chaos, Fractal, Solitons, Cosmology and Astrophysical Plasma) Computational skills: (fortran, unix, vax/vms, dos, plotting packages, X11 windows, TeX, Mathematica, Derive, Reduce, several P.D. software ). Teaching skills: (T.A. in charge of undergraduate courses for 2 years, grader of graduate courses for 2 years) Distint Publications: 1) Finite Elment for the Initial Value Problem of Two Black Holes, in Second Texas Workshop on 3-d Numerical Relativity.(1991) 2) Localized Magnetic Field Relaxed States in a Plasma: Applications to Fusion and Cosmology, with T. Tajima. B.of Am. Phys. Soc. 36, (1991) pg 2360. 3) Fractal Structure in the scalar lambda phi^4 Theory, with P. Anninos and R. Matzner. Phys. Rev. D 44 (1991) pg 1147. 4) Model of two perfect fluids for an anisotropic and homogeneous Universe. Phys. Rev. D 40 (1989) pg 3976. 5) Superposition of Weyl solutions to the Einstein equations: cosmic strings and domain walls. with P. S. Letelier, Classical and Quantum Gravity 5, (1988) pg L47. Thanks, Samuel R. Oliveira __________________________________________________________________________ |Center for Relativity |( relativity| |RLM 9.216 Mail Code # 61606 |(OLIVEIRA@UTAPHY.BITNET) physics | |Department of Physics |(fusion::oliveira) plasma | |U.T. Austin |fone : (512) 471 4700 | |Austin, TX 78712-1081 | (512) 322 0369 (home) | |USA |fax : (512) 471-0890 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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