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Date: Sun 03-Jul-1991 07:07:54 From: nextanswers@next.com (NeXTanswers) Subject: Localizing your application copy mailing similar to this posting. However, that mailing inaccurately advertised the locations of the files on the archive servers, so please refer to the locations listed below. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This year NeXT expects a large percentage of its world-wide sales to be in Europe, with the largest share in the French, German, and UK markets. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this by localizing your product to French and German. Many developers have started localizing their products, and some have already received a positive response from Europe. As one developer said: Stone Design did the major part of its localization into German and Spanish of our design package, Create, and our database, DataPhile, in just a few days. The positive responses we have had from Europe have greatly enhanced the legitimacy of both our company and the NeXT platform. Thanks for the excellent NXStringTable object! PAndrew Stone NeXT has developed code and guidelines to simplify the localization process. Using our techniques, all country-specific features can be isolated from your source code and placed in easily editable files. There are several advantages to using this strategy and localizing your product now, rather than waiting until your non-localized version is finished: 7 By testing the localization code for your application while testing the non-localized version, you minimize the testing needed later for the localized versions of your product. 7 If you incorporate localization code now, you won't have to touch the source code when you localize the product. This will save time and reduce the likelihood of introducing new bugs. 7 Since your source code won't need to change, the localization can be done by someone other than the programmer--for example, a translation company. We've placed a file Localization.tar.Z on the Internet archive servers. It includes a technical guide on how to localize your product, a MiniExample on localization, and French and German glossaries of commonly used terms for the NeXT computer. The Localization package is not available in electronic form directly from NeXT. However, you can obtain the full package by anonymous ftp (file transfer protocol) from one of the following Internet archive servers: ________________________________________________________ hostname directory ________________________________________________________ cs.orst.edu pub/next/documents/TechSupportNotes sonata.cc.purdue.edu pub/next/submissions etlport.etl.go.jp pub/NeXT/documents/TechSupportNotes Purdue also maintains an email-based archive server, for those without ftp access. Send a message consisting of "help" to archive-server@cc.purdue.edu. If the "From:" line in your message header will not be in Internet format (e.g., name@site.edu), include a line in your message like "path name@site.edu" or "path wellknownsite!yoursite!yourname@uunet.uu.net". Note that neither name@site.bitnet nor name@site.UUCP will work. Localization.tar.Z occupies 0.27 Megabytes. When unarchived, it's 0.73 Megabytes. Here are instructions for ftp'ing the files into the current directory and unarchiving them: ftp hostname [replace "hostname" with a choice from the table above] ftp> cd directory [see the directory name from the table above] ftp> binary ftp> get Localization.tar.Z ftp> quit Type in your current directory: zcat Localization.tar.Z | tar xvf - This will create a Localization subdirectory in the current directory. That directory includes a technical paper LocalizationGuide.rtfd, a MiniExample folder AskMe, and a subdirectory Glossary for the French and German glossaries. Remove the archive file after installation: rm Localization.tar.Z [if it asks for confirmation, type "y"]

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.