
This is vm_offset_t-...-? in view mode; [Up]

Date: Sun 01-Nov-1990 07:07:33 From: wiml@milton.u.washington.edu (William Lewis) Subject: vm_offset_t ... ? I've been working on a (NeXT) application that makes a fair amount of use of memory-mapped files (map_fd(), vm_*()), and although it runs fine, the compiler gives a dismaying number of warning messages. Most of these have to do with conversions between pointers and "vm_offset_t". I have been just casting and assigning; the system doesn't seem to mind the puns. However, the compiler moans, which makes me think there must be an "approved" way, such as "ptr_to_vm_offset()" ( 1/2 =8) ). Similarly, the function map_fd() (to map a file descriptor into virtual memory) doesn't seem to be declared in any header files, so I get some more warnings from that. I'm just wondering if anyone else has run across these same problems and if so what did you do? Any info appreciated ...

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