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Date: Sun 14-Nov-1990 17:10:05 From: charlie@wam.umd.edu (Charles William Fletcher) Subject: Re: file transfer sun<-->NeXT In article <ANDERSON.90Nov14094724@sapir.cog.jhu.edu> anderson@sapir.cog.jhu.edu (Stephen R. Anderson) writes: > >As the happy new owner of a home NeXT, naturally my first priority is >to be able to move various stuff between it and my office >net-connected Sun. That involves transferring files (sometimes rather >large ones) between the two machines over the phone. What are my >options? <etc> > >Steve Anderson I assume you have a cube with either an Optical or Floppy(?). The easiest thing is to 'ftp' to another computer on your net at the university and "carry it home'(the disk not the net). Here I go to one of the public NeXT computers in the library and ftp to my OD. If you have a PC compatiable floppy, you could use any PC (that has ftp). Good luck, Charlie
Date: Sun 14-Nov-1990 14:47:24 From: anderson@sapir.cog.jhu.edu (Stephen R. Anderson) Subject: file transfer sun<-->NeXT As the happy new owner of a home NeXT, naturally my first priority is to be able to move various stuff between it and my office net-connected Sun. That involves transferring files (sometimes rather large ones) between the two machines over the phone. What are my options? Basic connectivty is provided by tip, but tip's ~t/~p file transfer is only useful for comparatively short ascii files. Kermit is agonizingly slow. The base zmodem programs rz/sz don't run within tip. What else is there? Maybe someone has written something comparable to Zterm for the mac? I can't find anything in the archives on sonata.cc.purdue.edu that looks like a plausible candidate (though many of the names are less than transparent, in the absence of abstracts). The only commercial thing I find in the catalogue is Communicae, which doesn't seem to support zmodem: can anyone report on whether this (a) actually exists; (b) is worth the money? Steve Anderson
Date: Sun 15-Nov-1990 12:25:49 From: dennisg@kgw2.bwi.WEC.COM (Dennis Glatting) Subject: Re: file transfer sun<-->NeXT In article <ANDERSON.90Nov14094724@sapir.cog.jhu.edu>, anderson@sapir.cog.jhu.edu (Stephen R. Anderson) writes: |> |> As the happy new owner of a home NeXT, naturally my first priority is |> to be able to move various stuff between it and my office |> net-connected Sun. That involves transferring files (sometimes rather |> large ones) between the two machines over the phone. What are my |> options? Basic connectivty is provided by tip, but tip's ~t/~p file |> transfer is only useful for comparatively short ascii files. Kermit is |> agonizingly slow. The base zmodem programs rz/sz don't run within tip. |> What else is there? Maybe someone has written something comparable to |> Zterm for the mac? I can't find anything in the archives on |> sonata.cc.purdue.edu that looks like a plausible candidate (though |> many of the names are less than transparent, in the absence of |> abstracts). The only commercial thing I find in the catalogue is |> Communicae, which doesn't seem to support zmodem: can anyone report on |> whether this (a) actually exists; (b) is worth the money? |> |> Steve Anderson set up a uucp connection.

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