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Date: Sun 30-Nov-1990 18:31:23 From: cnh5730@calvin.tamu.edu (Chuck Herrick) Subject: Re: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? In article <1990Nov30.015912.10786@lavaca.uh.edu> davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) writes: >Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, >on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? command-command-tilde
Date: Sun 30-Nov-1990 01:59:12 From: davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) Subject: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? TIA, dan davison@uh.edu
Date: Sun 30-Nov-1990 18:47:07 From: moose@svc.portal.com Subject: Re: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? In article <1990Nov30.015912.10786@lavaca.uh.edu> davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) writes: >Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, >on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? cmd-cdm-`
Date: Sun 01-Dec-1990 03:54:04 From: scott@mcs-server.gac.edu (Scott Hess) Subject: Re: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? In article <10534@helios.TAMU.EDU> cnh5730@calvin.tamu.edu (Chuck Herrick) writes: In article <1990Nov30.015912.10786@lavaca.uh.edu> davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) writes: >Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, >on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? command-command-tilde Actually, there's a couple versions. Command-tilde gets the mini-monitor, command-command-tilde gets something (the regular monitor? I always use right-command-tilde) and left-command-left-alt-keypad* blows the machine away (ie, shuts it down). Now, for the disclaimer - never, ever use these. If you use them often, especially the alt-com-*, expect your machine to develop huge disk problems, and eventually data loss. These machines aren't _made_ for that kind of abuse. I warned you.
Date: Sun 01-Dec-1990 12:38:17 From: Eric.Thayer@cs.cmu.edu (Eric H. Thayer) Subject: Re: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? In article <10534@helios.TAMU.EDU> cnh5730@calvin.tamu.edu (Chuck Herrick) > Davison) writes: > >Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, > >on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? > > command-command-tilde Or for more fun: right-command-backquote ; this one brings up a reboot panel alternate-command-star ; this one does an immediate reset (use only in emergencies). ---------------------------------- Replies can have NeXT attachments in them
Date: Sun 03-Dec-1990 04:58:49 From: glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us (Glenn Reid) Subject: Re: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? In article <1990Nov30.015912.10786@lavaca.uh.edu> davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) writes: >Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, >on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? Command-command-backquote (hold down both command keys and hit the backquote character in the upper-left corner of the numeric keypad).
Date: Sun 04-Dec-1990 04:33:53 From: stone@triton.unm.edu (Andrew Stone) Subject: Re: What's the Vulcan nerve pinch for the cube and slab? In article <338@heaven.woodside.ca.us> glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us (Glenn Reid) writes: >In article <1990Nov30.015912.10786@lavaca.uh.edu> davison@menudo.uh.edu (Dan Davison) writes: >>Also known as the "three-finger salute". On PCs it's control-alt-del, >>on Suns L1-A, but is there one on the cube? > >Command-command-backquote (hold down both command keys and hit the >backquote character in the upper-left corner of the numeric keypad). Right Command-backquote is the Vulcan Mind Meld: it just gives you a softer landing supposedly, and it asks you to type r to restart,instead of throwing you into the monitor, which might be frightening for the naive user. andrew

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