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Date: Sun 18-Nov-1990 20:02:41 From: curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Curt Sampson) Subject: Oh, no, not again... This just popped in over in news.misc. I got a chuckle out of it. :-) (No, I'm not trying to restart a flame war, please!) ---------- Here are ranks, counts, subjects, newsgroups, and earliest- and latest-received Message-IDs for the subjects that appeared most often in comp.all in articles received here over the last 7 days. The subject of an article is counted once, no matter how many groups the article is cross-posted in. The number of articles that appeared in each newsgroup is given in parentheses after the newsgroup. Rank # 1 63 Subject: Not another NeXT defector???!!! Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc (63) First-Received: <1990Nov10.192652.29728@nntp-server.caltech.edu> Latest-Received: <PATRICK.HAYES.90Nov16110748@troy.cediag.bull.fr> ---------- cjs curt@cynic.UUCP | "The unconscious self is the real genius. curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca | Your breathing goes wrong the minute your {uunet|ubc-cs}!van-bc!cynic!curt | conscious self meddles with it." --GBS
Date: Sun 19-Nov-1990 02:40:47 From: jack@Taffy.rice.edu (Jack W. Howarth) Subject: Re: Oh, no, not again... In article <7iLus1w163w@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca> curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Curt Sampson) writes: >This just popped in over in news.misc. I got a chuckle out of it. :-) > >(No, I'm not trying to restart a flame war, please!) > >---------- >From: news@elsie.nci.nih.gov (news)>Newsgroups: news.misc >Subject: Most frequent subjects in comp.all > >Here are ranks, counts, subjects, newsgroups, >and earliest- and latest-received Message-IDs >for the subjects that appeared most often in comp.all >in articles received here over the last 7 days. >The subject of an article is counted once, >no matter how many groups the article is cross-posted in. >The number of articles that appeared in each newsgroup is >given in parentheses after the newsgroup. > >Rank # >1 63 Subject: Not another NeXT defector???!!! > Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.misc (63) > First-Received: <1990Nov10.192652.29728@nntp-server.caltech.edu> > Latest-Received: <PATRICK.HAYES.90Nov16110748@troy.cediag.bull.fr> B > >---------- > >cjs > >curt@cynic.UUCP | "The unconscious self is the real genius. >curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca | Your breathing goes wrong the minute your >{uunet|ubc-cs}!van-bc!cynic!curt | conscious self meddles with it." --GBS Most of those are simply an argument over whether that thread belongs in a Mac newsgroup. Jack

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.