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Date: Sun 17-Nov-1990 02:51:21 From: bh11+@andrew.cmu.edu (Braddock John Hathaway) Subject: MAC to NeXT changeover Hi there ... I'm considering a move from a Macintosh to a NeXTstation. One of the things that I noticed was that the price difference between the 104MB hard drive model with 8 MB of RAM and a 340 MB HD + 16 MB of RAM is something like $2000. It seems as though I could save myself a few hundred dollars by buying the base configuration and then beefing it up with third-party supplies, winding up with more hard disk space in the process. Since I am only considering a move, what are the pros and cons of such an approach ... is there a third party supplier network for the NeXT as for the Mac, or is Steve Job's Co. the only source for such things? Thanks in advance, Brad

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