
This is mouse-tracking in view mode; [Up]

Date: Sun 09-Mar-1989 01:27:28 From: Unknown Subject: mouse tracking Gang, I'm trying to duplicate part of the functionality of the directory browser. I've built a view which contains the equivalent of a column of the browser, but I can't seem to get the mouse tracking to do what I want. The desired functionality is as follows: as I track up and down in the list of items to be selected, I want the cells to highlight and unhighlight as the mouse passes over them. When I release the mouse, I'd like to have the final cell remain highlighted, and be able to perform the action associated with the cell. Using NX_RADIOMODE for the Matrix mode gives me the correct tracking, but when I release the mouse, it first calls my cell action, then unhighlights the mouse, which isn't what I want. (I'd like to either inhibit the unhilighting, or have the cell action execute AFTER the unhilight, instead of before). Anyone know any simple way around this? A second (more important) question: In investigating tracking behavior (to see if I could hack up an equivalent to NX_RADIOMODE that would do what I want) I checked out the Cell method trackMouse:inRect:ofView:, which controls tracking. The documentation says that this calls a function to start tracking, another to continue tracking, and finally a third when the mouse exits a cell. (Note: the function names given in the doc are wrong, but the correct ones are pretty obvious). I used gdb to break on each of the start,continue and stop functions, and found that only the start function was called, whenever the mouse entered the cell. Is this 1) an error in the documentation, 2) a bug in the implementation of trackMouse:inRect:ofView:, or 3) just my general confusion? Finally, a question for NeXT people: in using gdb, I found the quite useful Matrix method _turnOffAllExcept:: . Given that it can do a lot of what is needed to simulate NX_RADIOMODE, is there any consideration to giving this a regular method name (no _) and releasing it as a user-accessible method? Thanks, Dave Combs (combs@sumex-aim.stanford.edu) >From: ak10+@andrew.cmu.edu (Andrew Joseph Kompanek)

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