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I saw a recent message from Conrad regarding a number of special-interest e-mail groups for the NeXT computer.  Looking at this list, I noticed that there was no SIG relating to physical sciences (such as Chemistry, Physics, Genetics, Biology, Math, etc.) on the NeXT.  I would be interested in starting one, but I have a few questions first:

1.  How hard is it to set up the mail-server to do this?

2.  What else is involved from my end and from NeXT's end?

The group could be called SNUG (sciences NeXT users group :-).

Let me know,
| Michael Giddings                 | I awoke, faintly Bouncing   | 
| NeXT Mail gladly accepted:       |'round the room, The echo of |
| giddings@whitewater.chem.wisc.edu| whomever spoke...  -phish   | -----------------------------------------------------------------

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.