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The Dull Stuff
The Business of Black Magic

Everybody has to do some things they don't like. Here in the Coastal Empire NeXT Users Group we have chores too. And here they are.

Production Notes

Black Magic is created using FrameMaker, WriteNow, Edit and Adobe Illustrator. Several indispensable utilities also contribute to the effort. Most notable are BackSpace and QuickStart. DataPhile manages the mailing list. Graphs in this issue were created with Lotus Improv's Presentation Builder.

Primary fonts used are Clearface, Franklin Gothic, Helvetica Black and Janson Text. Others are used for special purposes.

The Black Magic and CeNUG logos were designed by Robert J. Rockefeller in Adobe Illustrator.

All articles represent the opinions of their authors and not of CeNUG or NeXT Computer. Contributions of CeNUG members are copyrighted by CeNUG and may be reprinted if proper credit is given to the source and author. Other contributions are copyrighted by their authors and cannot be reprinted without permission.

The Coastal Empire NeXT Users Group

Black Magic is published quarterly (for now) by the Coastal Empire NeXT Users Group. CeNUG is a non-profit organization dedicated to the NeXT community who's membership is open to anyone interested in the NeXT family of personal workstations. Dues are collected to offset the cost of newsletter production and to provide operating expenses for the group. Current dues are $5 per year for a family.

CeNUG can be contacted by mail at 7 Woodhull Road, Savannah, Georgia 31404, on Internet at rockbox!bob@pirates.armstrong.edu (NeXTMail preferred) or on CompuServe at 70372,1364.


Black Magic would not be possible without the help of concerned NeXT software publishers and the local NeXT users community. The Coastal Empire NeXT Users Group thanks the following companies who have contributed software for our use:

FrameMaker	Frame Technology Corporation
Dade Donovan	(408) 428-6122

DataPhile	Stone Design
Andrew Stone	(111) 456-7890

The Computer Group, our area NeXT dealer, has been helpful as well. Contact George Avent.
4314 Suite J	(404) 855-5767
Belair Frontage Road	CompuServe: 73740,2705
Augusta, Georgia 30909

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.