12/20/91 Number 6 Vol 1 ANuG Newsletter The Albuquerque NeXT Users Group President: Gregory Burd gburd@nmsu.edu Treasurer: Donald W. DeLand deland@unmvax.cs.unm.edu Librarian: Chris Zoeller zoeller@lampf.lanl.gov Intro: There are many exciting things that ANuG is involved with. Not only the T-Shirt and the Trip to NeXTWorld EXPO but also the idea of a large meeting will national attention and a vendor show. If you have any ideas with respect to this type of meeting, feel free to tell me about them I am very interested in finding help and ideas! Group Recognition: ANuG has been recognized by Conrad Geiger as one of the top users groups. In the past Conrad has placed a '#' sign next to the user group name in the distribution of the list of users groups. This has caused some confusion and will not be used anymore. At any rate ANuG has joined the ranks of BANG, V-NUS, SCaN, SNuG, rmNUG, and others. So the hard work is paying off. Because of this ANuG has received a video tape titled: "NeXT vs. Sun: A World Of Difference" A tape showing a NeXTstep programmer, and a Sun programmer working on the same program against the clock. This video is realistic and not overly biased against the Sun programming environment. It shows the programmers giving estimates of the time required to do the programming and then their annotation as the work through the project. Near the end , like any good client, the moderator asks the programmers to add a new feature. Well I won't tell you who wins the race, but I would hope you could guess. Newsletters; Present and Future: I mentioned in the last Newsletter that Frame Inc. had donated a copy of Framemaker to ANuG. I plan to use that to produce future issues of the Newsletter, in conjunction with an ascii release as well. There will be a Frame version as well as an rtf version at the Sonata ftp site. This will change when the group has a next and everyone can receive NeXTmail. Currently I have put the first five issues of the Newsletter at the Sonata ftp site and they are in the /newsletters directory for anonymous ftp. Again if we as a users group are going to produce a Frame version in the future then there needs to be more submissions, graphics, or other interesting things to put in it. As well as some sort of production staff of 2-3 persons. If you have code, picts, or anything of general interest send it to me. If you want to help or even head up the production of the Newsletter in the future also please contact me. I know that we all have major constraints on our time, but one saturday a month would be all it would take, and the benefits of having a nice Newsletter are worth it. January 11th Meeting: THIS WILL BE THE BEST MEETING BY FAR ANuG HAS PRODUCED YET!!! It will be held at Sandia Labs with a video projection system so everyone will be able to see the demonstrations. If you didn't get the Meeting Announcement then mail me and I will send you one. DON'T miss this meeting!!!! ANuG in the News: If you had not already noticed, ANuG is now advertised in the Albuquerque Journal. Look in the Business Outlook section under Computer Users Groups and ANuG is there. Tell your friends! T-Shirt Progress: Well the shirts are about to go into production. Next week I will place the first order from Zia Graphics for the Shirts. Unfortunately the shirt price had to go up. The reason is that the colors that NeXT uses are non-standard printing colors, and have to be specially mixed each printing cycle (at $30 dollars per color!). This along with some other unexpected expenses has raised the price of the shirt to $20. Our profit margin is only $2.00, so there was no choice. Also, due to the cost of color, and the fact that there was so little color on the front of the shirt I have added some to the front. The shirt will be posted on comp.sys.next.announce, as well as sent out by Conrad Geiger as NeXTmail and a small note in ascii telling those without NeXTmail where to find it. It will also be at the Sonata ftp site in submissions for a while until it moves to the appropriate dir (which one I don't know yet). So look for the advertisements and get one. To cover costs we must sell 125 shirts. Then the profit starts. If the shirt sales go well I have a friend who would be willing to sell them at NeXTWorld EXPO for the price of admission. I have made a complete cost work up of the entire T-Shirt project if you would like to see it I would be happy to send you a copy. Side note on T-Shirts: If there is a desire to produce a group version of the shirt before EXPO, or at any time for that matter, tell me. I was thinking about a sweet shirt, or a turtle neck shirt, or something nicer than a t-shirt. Email if you are interested. Executor: The Mac emulator called Executor produced by Abacus Research headed by Clifford Matthews has been released as Executor-MSW. The demonstration given was fantastic at the last meeting, and Executor is well on its way to becoming a full Mac emulator. Buy this now, it may get killed by Apple Inc. in the near future, and it will help fund the next release. Purchase info was sent out in the last NugNews(v). If you don't have that info email me. ScriptWriter Demo: William (Bill) Edney showed off the latest alpha version of ScriptWriter, a graphical way to represent UNIX command line scripts as well as any other command line scripts. With the release of Real Time Renderman in NeXTstep3.0 this tool will be very handy. It could also take care of a lot of house keeping that you can stumble through once and then forget about. Back ups of HD's could be scripted, as well as other mundane tasks at the prompt of the past. This product is very flexible and I believe it will make event the hardened UNIX hacks stop typing a little. Trip to the NeXTWorld EXPO: If you haven't already heard, ANuG is driving to EXPO. Chris Zoeller and Bill Edney are the organizers of this trip and if you want to go and haven't been hearing from them you better contact one of them soon (like today!). Final arrangements are being done now. This will be a trip to remember! Go with us and have a great time!!! December Meeting Notes: I have touched on the major persons involved with the December meeting. I would like to thank every one who came and stayed, it was a long one. There were approximately 20 persons there. I would also like to thank our Professor Sponsor for getting us the room. It was a step up for sure! Thanks to Clifford, and Bill for presenting. Thanks to Bill for the market update and interesting rumors. And thanks to Chris for his excitement and enthusiasm at the meeting. Thanks also to Andrew, for trying so hard to get ready for the show. By the way, to those of you who helped in trying to fix the ColorStation, it was a plug in wrong. It works fine now. :-) ANuG Icon: As I said at the meeting, there is an ANuG icon as well as letter head, envelope template, and other interesting stuff. If you would like it email me and we will work something out. ANuG Database of Members: I am trying to complete a member database on DataPhile, and I have most of the information I need. I will have the database printed out at the meeting for corrections and additions. Below are the fields I have in the database, if you know that I don't have the information for you please send me it. Also if you don't want your info to be public then tell me. This database will be used to maintain a membership roster, for dues, to print name tags at meetings, for mailings, and for simple contact and member info. Please sent in the info, thanks: __Data Base Fields__ +Name +email address +Home Address +Home Phone +Currently Working at +Business Phone +Business Address +Fax Number +Keep information private(yes/no) New Members: There are several new members to ANuG. Welcome and get involved! We are only as good as our members! NeXT / CD-ROM's / PLI: NeXT will distribute its system software on CD-ROM in the future. There are several advantages to this type of distribution. I have spoken to PLI about their CD-ROM drive and they are willing to give us a group deal on it. If you are interested then email me. The price will be about $600. ANuG has a PO Box: To contact ANuG by US mail send to: ANuG PO Box 20927 Albuquerque, NM 87154-0927 Thanks as always, and keep in contact! Greg Burd President of ANuG gburd@nmsu.edu