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Copyright ©1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:tab NSObject

Conforms To:tab NSObject (NSObject)

Declared In:tab Foundation/NSSerialization.h 

Class Description

The NSDeserializer class declares methods that convert an abstract representation of a property list (as contained in an NSData object) into a graph of property list objects in memory. The NSDeserializer class object itself provides these methods; you don't create instances of NSDeserializer.

Options to these methods allow you to specify that container objects (arrays or dictionaries) in the resulting graph be mutable or immutable; that deserialization begin at the start of the data or from some position within it; or that deserialization occur lazily, so that a property list is deserialized only if it is actually going to be accessed. See the NSSerializer specification for more information on serialization.

Deserialization Into Property Lists 

+ (id)deserializePropertyListFromData:(NSData *)data
atCursor:(unsigned int*)cursortab Returns a property list object corresponding to the abstract
mutableContainers:(BOOL)mutabletab tab representation in data at the location cursor. If mutable is YES and the object is a dictionary or an array, the re-composed object is made mutable. Returns nil if the object is not a valid one for property lists.

+ (id)deserializePropertyListFromData:(NSData *)data
mutableContainers:(BOOL)mutabletab Returns a property list object corresponding to the abstract representation in data. If mutable is YES and the object is a dictionary or an array, the re-composed object is made mutable. Returns nil if the data doesn't represent a property list.

+ (id)deserializePropertyListLazilyFromData:(NSData *)data
atCursor:(unsigned int*)cursortab Returns a property list from data at location cursor. 
length:(unsigned int)lengthtab tab The deserialization proceeds lazily. That is, if the data 
mutableContainers:(BOOL)mutabletab tab at the specified location has a length greater than length, a proxy is substituted for the actual property list as long as the constituent objects of that property list are not being accessed. If mutable is YES and the object is a dictionary or an array, the re-composed object is made mutable. Returns nil if the data doesn't represent a property list.

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