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paperh18648 margl-907 margr0 margt0 margb0 fi0 ri0 ql sb0 f1 fs24 Copyright f3 'e3f1 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

s0 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs52 fs80 
fs52 Single-Operator Functions
fs52 pard s2 li477 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2494 tx2872 tx3250 f1 b0 fs28 Single-operator functions provide a C language interface to the individual operators of the PostScript language. The specification for a single-operator function is identical to that of the PostScript operator it represents. The i PostScript Language Reference Manuali0 , i Second Editioni0 , by Adobe Systems Incorporated, provides the specifications of all standard PostScript operators. Also refer to the i Display PostScript System, Client Library Reference Manuali0 , by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Listed below are single-operator functions that correspond to operators found in OpenStep but not in the standard implementation of the PostScript language.
fs28 These functions have either a 'aaPS'ba or a 'aaDPS'ba prefix. For every single-operator function with a 'aaPS'ba prefix, there'27s a corresponding single-operator function with a 'aaDPS'ba prefix. The PS and DPS functions are identical except that DPS functions take an additional (first) argument that represents the PostScript execution context. 
fs28 Besides using standard C language types, some single-operator functions use b userobjectb0 'd0an b intb0  that refers to the value returned by b DPSDefineUserObject()b0 . 
fs28 In the function descriptions below, i xi0  and i yi0  refer to the origin of i sourcei0  rectangles, and i w i0 and i hi0  refer to the width and height of the source rectangles. i gstateNumi0  refers to the graphics state (gstate) of the source rectangle. i dxi0  and i dyi0  refer to the origin of the i destinationi0  for the compositing or dissolving operation. i opi0  refers to the specific compositing operation. i ai0  or i alphai0  refers to the coverage component used for compositing operations. 
fs28 pard s0 li100 fi0 f0 b fs36 fs54 
fs36 'aaPS'ba Prefix Functions
fs36 pard s25 li5266 fi-3150 ri1007 ql tx3250 f1 b0 fs28 voidtab b PScomposite(b0 float i xi0 , float i yi0 , float i wi0 , float i hi0 , int i gstateNumi0 , float i dxi0 , float i dyi0 , int i opb i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b PScompositerect(b0 float i xi0 , float i yi0 , float i wi0 , float i hi0 , int i opb i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b PScurrentalpha(b0 float *i alphab i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b PSdissolve(b0 float i xi0 , float i yi0 , float i wi0 , float i hi0 , int i gstateNumi0 , float i dxi0 , float i dyi0 , float i deltab i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b PSsetalpha(b0 float i ab i0 )
pard s35 li100 fi0 f0 fs36 fs70 
fs36 'aaDPS'ba Prefix Functions
fs36 pard s25 li5266 fi-3150 ri1007 ql tx3250 f1 b0 fs28 voidtab b DPScomposite(b0 DPSContext i ctxti0 ,b  b0 float i xi0 , float i yi0 , float i wi0 , float i hi0 , int i gstateNumi0 , float i dxi0 , float i dyi0 , int i opb i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b DPScompositerect(b0 DPSContext i ctxti0 , float i dxi0 , float i dyi0 , float i wi0 , float i hi0 , int i opb i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b DPScurrentalpha(b0 DPSContext i ctxti0 , float *i pcoverageb i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b DPSdissolve(b0 DPSContext i ctxti0 , float i xi0 , float i yi0 , float i wi0 , float i hi0 , int i gstateNumi0 , float i dxi0 , float i dyi0 , float i deltab i0 )
b0 fs10 
fs28 voidtab b DPSsetalpha(b0 DPSContext i ctxti0 , float i ab i0 )

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.