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paperh18648 margl-907 margr0 margt0 margb0 fi0 ri0 ql sb0 f1 fs24 Copyright f3 'e3f1 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

s4 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs36 fs100 
fs36 NSMenuCell 
pard s11 li2872 fi-2771 ri1007 ql tx2872 f1 b0 fs28 fs48 
fs28 f0 b fs24 Inherits From:tab b0 fs28 f1 NSButtonCell : NSActionCell : NSCell : NSObject
fs28 s6 f0 b fs24 Conforms To:tab b0 fs28 f1 NSCoding, NSCopying (NSCell)
fi0 NSObject (NSObject)
fs28 s7 fi-2771 f0 b fs24 Declared In:tab b0 fs28 f1 AppKit/NSMenuCell.h 
fs28 pard s16 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs28 fs20 
fs28 Class Description
fs28 pard s1 li477 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2494 tx2872 tx3250 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 NSMenuCell is a subclass of NSButtonCell that defines objects that are used in menus. NSMenuCells draw their text left-justified and show an optional key equivalent or submenu arrow on the right. See the NSMenu class specification for more information.
fs28 pard s16 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs24 
fs28 Checking for a Submenu 
fs28 pard s8 li7029 fi-6552 ri1007 ql tx6652 tx7030 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (BOOL)b hasSubmenub0 tab Returns YES if the receiver has a submenu.
pard s16 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs48 
fs28 Managing User Key Equivalents 
fs28 pard s8 li7029 fi-6552 ri1007 ql tx6652 tx7030 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 fi-6552 + (void)b setUsesUserKeyEquivalents:b0 (BOOL)i flagi0 tab If i flagi0  is YES, NSMenuCells conform to user preferences for key equivalents; otherwise, the key equivalents originally assigned to the NSMenuCells are used.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 + (BOOL)b usesUserKeyEquivalentsb0 tab Returns YES if NSMenuCells conform to user preferences for key equivalents; otherwise, returns NO.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (NSString *)b userKeyEquivalentb0 tab Returns the user-assigned key equivalent for the NSMenuCell.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 

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