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paperh18648 margl-907 margr0 margt0 margb0 fi0 ri0 ql sb0 f1 fs24 Copyright f3 'e3f1 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

s4 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs36 fs100 
fs36 NSFontPanel 
pard s14 li2872 fi-2771 ri1007 ql tx2872 f1 b0 fs28 fs48 
fs28 f0 b fs24 Inherits From:tab b0 fs28 f1 NSPanel : NSWindow : NSResponder : NSObject
fs28 s7 f0 b fs24 Conforms To:tab b0 fs28 f1 NSCoding (NSResponder)
fi0 NSObject (NSObject)
fs28 s8 fi-2771 f0 b fs24 Declared In:tab b0 fs28 f1 AppKit/NSFontPanel.h 
fs28 pard s19 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs28 fs20 
fs28 Class Description
fs28 pard s1 li477 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2494 tx2872 tx3250 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 The NSFontPanel class declares the programmatic interface to a user-interface object that displays a list of available fonts, enabling users to preview them and change the typefaces in which text is displayed. Actual changes to text are effected through conversion messages sent to the NSFontManager. There is only one NSFontPanel object for each application.
fs28 In general, you add the facilities of the NSFontPanel (and of the other components of the font conversion system: the NSFontManager and the Font menu) to your application through interface construction tools (such as Interface Builder). You do this by including a Font menu into one of your application'27s menus. At runtime, when the user chooses the Font Panel command for the first time, the NSFontPanel object is created and hooked into the font conversion system. You can also create (or access) NSFontPanel through the b sharedFontPanelb0  method. 
fs28 An NSFontPanel can be customized by adding an additional NSView object or hierarchy of NSView objects by using the b setAccessoryView:b0  method. If you want the NSFontManager to instantiate a panel object from some class other than NSFontPanel, use the NSFontManager'27s b setFontPanelFactory:b0  method. See NSFontManager for details on the font manager object that performs font conversion tasks. 
fs28 pard s19 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs24 
fs28 Creating an NSFontPanel 
fs28 pard s9 li7029 fi-6552 ri1007 ql tx6652 tx7030 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 fi-6552 + (NSFontPanel *)b sharedFontPanelb0 tab Returns an NSFontPanel object.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (NSFont *)b panelConvertFont:b0 (NSFont *)i fontObjecti0 tab 
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 tab Returns a Font object whose traits are the same as those of i fontObjecti0  except as specified by the user'27s choices in the Font Panel.
pard s19 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs48 
fs28 Setting the Font 
fs28 pard s9 li7029 fi-6552 ri1007 ql tx6652 tx7030 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (void)b setPanelFont:b0 (NSFont *)i fontObjecti0 tab Sets the FontPanel'27s current font from i fontObjecti0  with i flag
s11 li7030 fi-6553 fi-5796 i0  b isMultiple:b0 (BOOL)i flagi0 tab tab  indicating whether it contains multiple fonts.
pard s19 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs48 
fs28 Configuring the NSFontPanel 
fs28 pard s9 li7029 fi-6552 ri1007 ql tx6652 tx7030 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (NSView *)b accessoryViewb0 tab Returns the application-customized view.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (BOOL)b isEnabledb0 tab Returns whether the FontPanel'27s Set button is enabled.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (void)b setAccessoryView:b0 (NSView *)i aViewi0 tab Adds i aViewi0  above the action buttons at the bottom of the panel.
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (void)b setEnabled:b0 (BOOL)i flagi0 tab Enables or disables the FontPanel'27s Set button depending on i flagi0 .
fi-6552 fs16 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (BOOL)b worksWhenModalb0 tab Returns whether FontPanel works when another window is modal.
pard s19 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql f0 b fs48 
fs28 Displaying the NSFontPanel 
fs28 pard s9 li7029 fi-6552 ri1007 ql tx6652 tx7030 f1 b0 fs2 
fs28 fi-6552 {f3 -} (void)b orderWindow:b0 (NSWindowOrderingMode)i placei0 tab  
s11 li7030 fi-6553 fi-5796 b relativeTo:b0 (int)i otherWindowsi0 tab Repositions the FontPanel above or below the other windows i otherWindowsi0  as indicated by i placei0  and updates the FontPanel if necessary.


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