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NSBundle Additions

Inherits From:tab NSObject

Declared In:tab AppKit/NSImage.h 

Class Description

The Application Kit adds these methods to the Foundation Kit's NSBundle class. These methods become part of the class for all applications that use the Application Kit, but not for applications that don't.

Getting the Location of Images in the File System

- (NSString *)pathForImageResource:(NSString *)name
tab Returns the absolute pathname of the file containing the specified image resource. (The name of the resource is simply the filename without the path of its bundle directory; the filename extension need not be included.)

Loading an Interface Builder File

+ (BOOL)loadNibFile:(NSString *)fileName tab Unarchives the contents of the nib file whose absolute path
externalNameTable:(NSDictionary *)context tab is fileName. Objects from the nib file are allocated in
withZone:(NSZone *)zonetab tab  the specified zone of memory. The context argument is a name tableÐa dictionary whose keys are names like ªNSOwnerº and whose values are existing objects that can be referenced by the newly unarchived objects. Returns YES upon success. (A nib file is a object archive whose file format is currently implementation specific. A public specification of this file format will be available at a later date.)

+ (BOOL)loadNibNamed:(NSString *)aNibName tab Similar to loadNibFile:externalNameTable:withZone:,
owner:(id)ownertab tab but the name table's only element is the specified owner (stored with the key ªNSOwnerº). Objects from the nib file are allocated in owner's zone. If there's a bundle for owner's class, this method looks in that bundle for the nib file named aNibName (this argument need not include the ª.nibº extension); otherwise, it looks in the main bundle. (A nib file is a object archive whose file format is currently implementation specific. A public specification of this file format will be available at a later date.)

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