XModule Project Readme file I assume you are reading this file because you want to learn about the XModule. If not then save yourself the time, and close this file. To compile this XMod, just create a shell using Terminal, or your favorite 3rd party shell program (Stuart is a nice one). Then type 'make clean'. Edit the Makefile.xproj to reflect the architectures you want to be included in the XModule object file. The -arch flag for cc is defined at the bottom of the .xproj file. As for the Makefile.preamble, it contains debug instructions. They are commented out, but if you are in need of having a debug version (ie. you are making your own changes to the source and want to step through with gdb and Edit.app) then remove the appropriate comments "#" out of the .preamble file and 'make' the XModule. A couple of notes. I added Event Status Driver (ESD) support to this XModule since the ESD XModule I wrote in the summer of 1993 includes a complete interface to the ESD. That XModule compiles to about 100k with MAB for i386 and m68k. That seemed quite overkill since all I needed was the volume interface to ESD. Also, as far as I can tell there is a bug in the SoundKit (ie. hehehe surprise) regarding the thread created to play the sound. I don't have time to track it down, but on occasion the SoundKit playing thread will die, killing the thread's task and such crashes HyperSense. Be warned, I have seen it happen 2-3 times. Backtraces where not a ton of help. Finally, I had to add a phony instance variable to the XModule.h file. This is due to an oversite by Thoughtful Software when releasing the XModDevKit. The XModule.h they used when compiled has instance variables, and thus when cc goes and compiles my XModule.h, it overwrites the _containers variable of the XModule instance (super class of my XModule). Just a thought for the times you get very bizarre crashes when using instance variables in your XModule. Well, that is it for now. Enjoy and let me know what you are up to. Regards, Todd Anthony Nathan c/o Thoughtful Software 616 East Locust Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 <todd@thoughtful.com> (email, preferred) +1.303.221.4596 (voice)
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