
This is ColorPanelXModule.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "ColorPanelXModule.h"
#import "ColorPanelXModuleConstants.h"

#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <strings.h>

 * Define the list of commands and functions this XModule implements

#import <appkit/NXColorPanel.h>

const char *handlerList[] = {
	// Existing handlerList[] definitions here...

static struct mach_header	*loadHeader = NULL;

@implementation ColorPanelXModule : XModule

- init
	[super init];
	return ( self );

- free
	return ( [super free] );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//   Standard XModule methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

+ (const char *)moduleName
	return ( "ColorPanelXModule" );

+ (const char **)xCmdsAndFcns
	return ( handlerList );

- prepareToExecuteHandlers
	// [self loadInterfaceData];
	return ( self );

// Functions and handlers this puppy contains...
- executeHandler:(NXAtom)handlerName
	// Existing -executeHandler: code here...

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_ALPHA") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_alpha ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_COLOR") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_color ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_DOESSHOWALPHA") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_doesShowAlpha ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_ISCONTINUOUS") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_isContinuous ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_MODE") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_mode ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("cp_setcolor") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_setColor ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("cp_setcontinuous") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_setContinuous ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("cp_setshowalpha") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_setShowAlpha ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("cp_setmode") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_setMode ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_FUNCTIONS") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_functions ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("cp_infopanel") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_infoPanel ] );

	if ( handlerName == NXUniqueString("CP_VERSION") ) {
		return ( [ self cp_version ] );

	return ( nil ); // handlerName not recognized!

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
//   Useful methods for loading interface data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

+ finishLoading:(struct mach_header *)header
	loadHeader = header; // Save this for later use
	return ( self );

- loadInterfaceData
	//[NXApp loadNibSection:"MyXModule.nib" owner:self
	//    withNames:NO fromHeader:loadHeader] )
	return ( self );

// ColorPanelXModule Handlers
- cp_alpha
	float	alpha;

	alpha = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] alpha ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setFloat:alpha ] );

- cp_color
	NXColor		currPanelColor;

	currPanelColor = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] color ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setColor:currPanelColor ] );

- cp_doesShowAlpha
	int		pCount = [ self paramCount ];
	BOOL		doesShowAlpha;

	doesShowAlpha = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] doesShowAlpha ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setBool:doesShowAlpha ] );

- cp_isContinuous
	int		pCount = [ self paramCount ];
	BOOL		continuousValue;

	continuousValue = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] isContinuous ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setBool:continuousValue ] );

- cp_mode
	int	mode;

	mode = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] mode ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setInt:mode ] );

// ColorPanelXModule Handlers
- cp_setColor
	int		pCount = [ self paramCount ];
	NXColor		colorValue, currPanelColor;

	if ( pCount != 1 ) {
		return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ]
			setString: "Usage:  setColorPanelValue  <aColor>" ] );

	colorValue = [[ self getParam:1 ] colorVal ];
	[[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] setColor:colorValue ];
	currPanelColor = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] color ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setColor:currPanelColor ] );

- cp_setContinuous
	int		pCount = [ self paramCount ];
	BOOL		contValue;

	if ( pCount != 1 ) {
		return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ]
			setString: "Usage:  setTheContinuous  <aBoolVal>" ] );

	contValue = [[ self getParam:1 ] boolVal ];
	[[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] setContinuous:contValue ];
	contValue = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] isContinuous ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setBool:contValue ] );

/*	These are the Modes, and their values may be seen in their
	defined .h files.

	Grayscale-Alpha			NX_GRAYMODE = 0
	Red-Green-Blue			NX_RGBMODE = 1
	Cyan-Yellow-Magenta-Black	NX_CMYKMODE = 2
	Hue-Saturation-Brightness	NX_HSBMODE = 3
	Color lists			NX_COLORLISTMODE = 5
	Color wheel			NX_BEGINMODE = 6
- cp_setMode
	int	pCount = [ self paramCount ];
	int	newMode;

	if ( pCount != 1 ) {
		return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ]
			setString: "Usage:  cp_setMode  <aModeInt>" ] );

	newMode = [[ self getParam:1 ] intVal ];
	[[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] setMode:newMode ];
	newMode = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] mode ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setInt:newMode ] );

- cp_setShowAlpha
	int		pCount = [ self paramCount ];
	BOOL		showAlpha;

	if ( pCount != 1 ) {
		return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ]
			setString: "Usage:  setShowAlpha  <aBoolVal>" ] );

	showAlpha = [[ self getParam:1 ] boolVal ];
	[[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] setShowAlpha:showAlpha ];
	showAlpha = [[ NXColorPanel sharedInstance:YES ] isContinuous ];

	return ( [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setBool:showAlpha ] );

// Support functions
- cp_functions
	Value	*returnStr;

	returnStr = [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setString:"" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"CP_ALPHA()\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"CP_COLOR()\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"CP_DOESSHOWALPHA()\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"CP_ISCONTINUOUS()\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"CP_MODE()\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"cp_setcolor\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"cp_setcontinuous\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"cp_setmode\n" ];
	[ returnStr appendString:"cp_setshowalpha" ];

	return ( returnStr );

- cp_infoPanel
	char	*infoStrPtr, infoStr[1024];

	infoStrPtr = infoStr;

	strncpy(infoStr, "This XModule is designed to facilitate the use\n"
		"of the HyperSense color panel.  If you have any\n"
		"questions regarding this XModule or its distribution\n"
		"please consult the README files or write me a letter.\n\n"
		"\t\tTodd Anthony Nathan\n"
		"\t\t1325 Birch Street #14\n"
		"\t\tFort Collins, Colorado 80521\n"
		"\t\t<todd@icebox.com>\n", 1023);

	[ self runAlertPanel:"Color Panel XModule Info" text: "%s", infoStr ];

	return ( self );

- cp_version
	id		version;

	version = [[ self getEmptyContainer ] setString:"r" ];
	[ version appendString:P_RELEASE ];
	[ version appendString:" v" ];
	[ version appendString:P_VERSION ];
	[ version appendString:"    " ];
	[ version appendString:P_RELTIME ];
	[ version appendString:"\n" ];
	[ version appendString:P_COPYRIGHT ];

	return ( version );


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.