{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times-Roman;\f4\fmodern Ohlfs;} \paperw7240 \paperh9540 \margl120 \margr120 {\colortbl;\red83\green83\blue83;\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b\i0\ulnone\qc\fs28\gray333\fc1\cf1 ColorPanel Functions\ Mon Sep 13 01:45:00 GMT-0700 1993\ \ql\gray0\fc0\cf0 \ \fc2\cf2 This is an example of an XModule function and handler (often just called X-Functions) written in Obj-C for HyperSense. The source for the X-Functions are included, and you are welcome to freely use them when and how you want.\ \ There is a sample HyperSense document included to show how one of the X-Functions is used. The use of the second X-Function has been left to the reader. Yeppers, that is you.\ \ You may notice the changing windowFrame icons. Just a thought about how you may change the miniatureIcon to reflect the contents of a windowFrame.\ \ If you have any questions about this distribution, SenseTalk, HyperSense or the hairs on the back of your lover, give me a ring. Lets talk shop.\ \b0\fc0\cf0 \ \b\gray333\fc1\cf1 Regards,\ \ Todd Nathan\ <todd@thoughtful.com> }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.