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5.39 How to boot a NeXT without a monitor?

The procedure is to just touch pins 6 and GND on the DB-19 NeXT monitor out with a 470 Ohm resistor (450 is the actual resistance, but 470 ohms is more commonly found in resistors). Pin 6 is the power sense, and pins 13-19 (and the DB shell) are the GND. Just say "pin 19", it may be easier.

There's a pinout diagram of the DB-19 in the NeXT Users Reference Manual.

If you have an old Cube, the power supply needs to have more power drawn from it than an 030 (and 040?) board uses to stay on. So: On the DB-19, attach a Power Resistor (20 Ohm, at least 20 Watt) between pins 12 and GND. (Pin 12 is -12V, pin 13 works well for GND). Then just "touch" the 470 ohm resistor as described above, and you're set. The 20 Ohm resistor draws an old 030 running without monitor in an old CUBE), but it isn't necessary - just don't touch it (*HOT!* ;-)

To power off, type "halt -p" as root on the machine (either through a terminal connected to port A, or over the ethernet connection).

Also, you have to have the Rom Monitor settings done correctly. The important ones are:

Wait until keypress? N Sound out tests? N Port A as alternate Console? Y (if you have one, it's nice) Verbose mode? N (I think this may need to be N to work, don't remember).

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