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5.6 What non-NeXT CD Players that work with a NeXT?


A USENET survey summary:

Apple CD-150 PLI 1035N for NeXT SUN CD-ROM drive (Sony CDU-8012, Rev. 3.1a) NEC 73M and 74 (transfer rates > of 300 KB/sec.) NEC 84 S NEC 4xi NEC 6x speed Apple CD-SC (Sony 541-22 mechanism) Apple CD-300 Apple CD-300+ Chinon CDS-431 (with new drivers) Eclipse CD-ROM from Microtech Toshiba 3201 Toshiba 3301 Toshiba 3401 Toshiba 3501 Toshiba TXM3301E1 Toshiba XM-2200A external Toshiba XM3601 Plextor Quadspeed Plextor PX-63CS (6xspeed) DENON DRD-253 external (data only, no music) HP's LaserROM drive (Toshiba XM-3301TA drive in HP's box) Texel 3024 (required a firmware upgrade to version was 1.11)

As with all SCSI devices, they just work. Some drives only get problems with their audio support with CD-Player (due to not standardized SCSI audio commands, but this isn't a NeXT specific problem!)

In contrary the question should be: are there SCSI CD-ROMs which don't work together with NEXTSTEP?

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