
This is the README for Identify_registry.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times-Roman;\f2\ftech Symbol;\f1\fmodern Courier;}
\pard\tx1140\tx2300\tx3440\tx4600\tx5760\tx6900\tx8060\tx9200\tx10360\tx11520\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs28\fc1\cf1 This file is: ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edu/software/NeXT/documents/IDR.rtf\
This version published on: 1995-11-04\
Current administrator: Raf_Schietekat (aliases explained below)\

\pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\fc0\cf0 \

\b\fc1\cf1 Identifier Domains Registry (aka. IDR)\

\b0 Imagine: You have created an object or a set of objects (a kit¼), and when you or somebody else deploys it/them, a conflict arises. Somebody else has used the same name for a class, and the project won't link, or give errors when some code in a bundle is loaded. Someone has to give in, but who? And even so, there is bound to be some sorrow for some developer(s) and/or user(s). Maybe some code that is already in established use has to be adapted as a result. Suppose you're called Ervin Oldfield, so you're using the prefix EO, and suddenly some software company comes trampling all over you...\

\b ``Solution''
\b0 \
We're in the objects business, folks! Here is where you should turn to to make sure such a conflict will never happen to your code (``I want to use such-and-such a prefix, is it still free, and if so, would you register it for my exclusive use?''), or at least it will then be less likely, if everyone participates. I volunteer to maintain this at least for a while.\
This is not a real solution to this problem, of course, just a workaround, painting over the rust. But it should make a difference. (A real solution would be an entirely different programming environment, I suppose.)\

\b Warning:
\b0  This is just a means to coordinate efforts, without authority, and it relies on the cooperation of the participants. If a conflict arises about established code, please try to resolve it amongst yourselves.\

\fc0\cf0 \

\b Guidelines
\fc1\cf1 \

\b0\fc0\cf0 · 
\b\fc1\cf1 Important:
\fc0\cf0 Don't use a digit as the first character after the prefix, because this is an escape mechanism whenever conflicts arise.\
· It is assumed that if you have registered a prefix, then you may also use it with any number of underscores in front of it. Right?\

\b Good style
\fc1\cf1 \

\b0\fc0\cf0 · Occupy as few slots as is feasible (which should really be only one); use additional prefixes after the initial prefix to create subdomains (e.g., NeXT should have used NXDB, NXIB, NXIX, NXWM, NX3D, 
\f2 ¼
\f0 ).\
· Individuals and small companies should use at least 3 letters, larger companies may use 2 (or more); conflicts will be resolved by appending digits to the desired prefix.\
· Your prefix does not need to be all capitals, it's perfectly OK to use something more descriptive.\
· If you've been using a prefix that doesn't follow these good-style guidelines, and it is not feasible to adapt things, then maybe that can't be helped. But do explain carefully why your claim should be accepted anyway.\

\b How to register
\fc1\cf1 \

\b0\fc0\cf0 · Send your requests to Raf_Schietekat (aliases explained below).
\fc1\cf1  Please use the subject ``Identifier Domains Registry''.
\fc0\cf0 \
· Motivate the requested prefix (e.g., by stating your full name with a
\fc1\cf1 ny middle initial).\
· This is also for established code that you know of, NEXTSTEP related or not.\

\fc0\cf0 \

\pard\tx2240\b\fc0\cf0 prefix	owner/description\

\b0 _/__/etc.	Only authorised personnel allowed!\
bootstrap	Mach/NeXT? (todo check)\
class	Objective-C runtime\
condition	Mach\
cthread	Mach\
DB	NeXT Database Kit\
DPS	PostScript\
EO	NeXT Enterprise Objects Framework Architecture\
exc	Mach\
(F)FREE	FREE.h (Raf_Schietekat, MiscKit)\
host	Mach\
IB	NeXT Interface
\fc1\cf1  Builder\
IK	Icon Kit (Scott_Roy, registered 1995-02-19)\
IO	NeXT Driver Kit\

\fc0\cf0 IX	NeXT Indexing Kit\
kern_loader	Mach/NeXT? (todo check) kern loader functions\
kpathsea, kpse	Kpathsearch library (Karl_Berry)\
mach	Mach\
method	Objective-C runtime\
Misc	MiscKit\
msg	Mach\
mutex	Mach\
N3D	NeXT 3-D Kit\
netname	Mach\
ni, NI	NeXT NetInfo functions/objects\
NS	NeXT OpenStep\
NX	NeXT (most of NEXTSTEP)\
objc	Objective-C runtime\
object	Objective-C runtime\
port	Mach\
processor	Mach\
PS	PostScript\
RJS	Raf_Schietekat (registered 1995-02-18)\
sel	Objective-C runtime\
SND, snddriver	NeXT Sound (Driver) functions\
task	Mach\
thread	Mach\
TS	Trego Systems (Art_Isbell, registered 1995-02-19)\
vm	Mach\
WM	NeXT Workspace Mana
\fc1\cf1 ger\
WW	WavesWorld (Michael_Johnson, registered 1995-02-23)\
yy, YY	Unix yacc, FSF/GNU bison, Unix lex, FSF/GNU flex\

\pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\fc0\cf0 \

\pard\tx2320\tx3140\tx7060\fc1\cf1 (m/N is m for ordinary mail, N for NeXTmail)\

\pard\tx2480\tx3540\tx7520\b\fc0\cf0 alias	m/N	e-mail	last contact at this address\

\b0 Karl_Ber
\fc1\cf1 ry	m	karl@cs.umb.edu	1994-12-28\
Art_Isbell	N	art@cubicsol.com	1995-02-19\
Michael_Johnson	m	wave@media.mit.edu	1995-02-23\
Scott_Roy	m	hsr@CS.Stanford.EDU	1995-02-19\
Raf_Schietekat	N	RfSchtkt@maze.ruca.ua.ac.be	1995-11-01\


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.