
This is DBBasicAdaptorContext.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 3.0 Copyright ©1992 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
(Preliminary draft, Thurs Apr 16 16:12:34 PDT 1992)


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	dbkit/DBBasicAdaptor.h

Class Description

DBBasicAdaptorContext is the abstract superclass for objects that are used in adaptor context management.  Basically, the context object provides a place to locate special accounting structures (such as cursors) used in the interpretation of query languages.  The objects are used as though the adaptor delegates every call to evaluateString:using: and fetchData: to its context objects.

Context objects are allocated as follows:  adaptors have a single "shared context" which is used for the potentially destructive operations insert, update, evaluate, and delete.  Contexts for select, on the other hand, are allocated on a per-binder basis, unless the binder has had its sharesContext flag set.  If the binder returns YES to sharesContext, then all operations, including select, will use the adaptor's "shared context".  Semantically, a select on a shared context should lock the selected data if possible -- a select on a shared context is normally followed quickly by an update.

Of course, the context allocation scheme can be completely altered by reimplementing the DBBasicAdaptor -- it is not a requirement of the DBKit that it behave this way.

Instance Variables

None declared in this class.

Method Types

Creating a context	- initForAdaptor:
Evaluating expressions	- evaluateString:using:
- fetchData:

Instance Methods

- initForAdaptor:anAdaptor

This method should prepare any data structures that the context will later need for execution.

- (BOOL)evaluateString:(const unsigned char*)aString using:(DBBinder*)aBinder

This method is called with a query expression as aString.  The method should return its success in evaluating this expression.

- (BOOL)fetchData:(DBBinder*)aBinder

This method is called after potentially data-producing operations.  It should place the next available "row" of data into aBinder.

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