


Here is the default configuration for the University of Oregon's SLIP network.
The config directory included in this distribution contains the configuration
information that needs to be located in /usr/dialupip/config.

These configuration files are compatible with the most recent version of SLIP
from Louis Mamakos (sp?).  Of interest is the file login-uonet.tcl.  This
file contains the script to wait for a dynamically assigned IP address, and
then configures the IP address of your machine.

I have also included a copy of the standard University of Oregon sendmail.cf
file.  It's set up in such  a way that you can specify a replacement value
for your machine name.

For example, if your machine name is localhost, outgoing mail is translated
from jfosback@localhost to jfosback@darkwing.uoregon.edu, or any other name
that you specify.

Also please note the simple resolv.conf file.  This is a simple name resolver
that goes into /etc and point to name servers so that you can resolve name
conflicts at home (or wherever else you are).

I hope that these can serve as an example of how to configure your machine.

  Jason Fosback, User Support Analyst    | No sir, I didn't like it
     ---- University of Oregon ----      |                 -R&S
Internet:  jfosback@oregon.uoregon.edu   | Star Trek:
NeXT mail: jfosback@darkwing.uoregon.edu |  The NeXT Generation...

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.