This is StrokeView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * (C) 1990 by Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. * * This file may be freely copied and redistributed as long as: * 1) This entire notice continues to be included in the file, * 2) If the file has been modified in any way, a notice of such * modification is conspicuously indicated. * * PostScript, Display PostScript, and Adobe are registered trademarks of * Adobe Systems Incorporated. * * ************************************************************************ * THE INFORMATION BELOW IS FURNISHED AS IS, IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT * NOTICE, AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY ADOBE SYSTEMS * INCORPORATED. ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR * LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIES, MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND (EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY) WITH RESPECT TO THIS INFORMATION, * AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES AND NONINFINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * ************************************************************************ */ /* * StrokeView.m * Created by John-Henry Gross and Ken Fromm * * The purpose of the application is to show the difference when stroke * adjustment is turned on and turned off. The default state on the * NeXT computer is ON. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines and arcs * are drawn at a set linespacing. The linewidth can be varied from the * interface. * * This file contains the methods for the StrokeView class, a subclass * of view. The important item to note is simply the effect that stroke * adjustment has. Refer to the documentation for specifics on how * stroke adjustment works. * */ #import "StrokeView.h" #import "StrokeViewWraps.h" #import <appkit/Button.h> #import <appkit/Control.h> #import <appkit/Matrix.h> #import <appkit/TextField.h> #import <dpsclient/wraps.h> #include <math.h> @implementation StrokeView /* Allocate a gstate and set clipping to NO. The gstate is allocated * because we do not want to reset the individual drawing variables when * the context is switched back to this view. Place the line * [self setClipping:NO]; after allocating the gstate to see the effect * clipping has. * * The PSWDefs() call sends some definitions used in the wraps to the * interpreter. They will be available in the interpreter when the wraps * call them. */ + newFrame:(NXRect *) frm { self = [super newFrame:frm]; [self allocateGState]; PSWDefs (); return self; } /* Free the gstate upon quitting. */ - free { [self freeGState]; return [super free]; } - setTimeDisplay:anObject { timeDisplay = anObject; return self; } - setFieldWidth:anObject { fieldWidth = anObject; return self; } - setMatrixLineTypes:anObject { matrixLineTypes = anObject; return self; } - setStrokeAdjustment:(BOOL)strokeAdjValue { strokeAdjustment = strokeAdjValue; return self; } /*********************************************************************** * These static procedures are called within drawSelf: They simply draw * lines in the rectangle passed in. They have been separated out of * drawSelf:: mainly for cosmetic reasons. **********************************************************************/ /* Adds horizontal lines to the path within rect. */ static void makeHorizLines(NXRect *rect) { float ypos, linespacing; linespacing = rect->size.height/NUMLINESHORIZ; for (ypos = rect->origin.y; ypos <= rect->origin.y + rect->size.height; ypos += linespacing) PSWMakeLine( rect->origin.x, ypos, rect->origin.x + rect->size.width, ypos); PSstroke(); } /* Adds verticle lines to the path within rect. */ static void makeVertLines(NXRect *rect) { float xpos, linespacing; linespacing = rect->size.width/NUMLINESVERT; for (xpos = rect->origin.x; xpos <= rect->origin .x + rect->size.width; xpos += linespacing) PSWMakeLine( xpos, rect->origin.y, xpos, rect->origin.y + rect->size.height); PSstroke(); } /* Adds diagonal lines to the path within rect. The rectangle has to be * clipped because the length of the line exceeds the height and the width. * Clipping will show only the portion of the lines that fall within the * rectangle. */ static void makeDiagLines(NXRect *rect) { float angle, length; length = (float) sqrt(rect->size.width * rect->size.width + rect->size.height * rect->size.height); PSgsave(); PStranslate(rect->origin.x, rect->origin.y); for (angle = 0; angle <= 90; angle += DIAGDEGS) { PSWMakeLine(0, 0, length, 0); PSrotate(DIAGDEGS); } PSstroke(); PSgrestore(); } /* Adds arcs within rect. Clipping is necessary because height is greater * than the width and so some arcs will travel outside the rectangle */ static void makeArcs(NXRect *rect) { float radius, maxradius, spacing; maxradius = (float) sqrt(rect->size.width * rect->size.width + rect->size.height * rect->size.height); spacing = maxradius/NUMARCS; for (radius = spacing; radius <= maxradius; radius += spacing) PSWMakeArc(rect->origin.x, rect->origin.y, radius, 0, 90); PSstroke(); } /* Actions performed: erase the display times in the interface, obtain * the state of each line type button, clear the view by drawing a new * background, set the values of the drawing variables, draw stroke * adjusted lines and then non-stroke adjusted lines (displaying the * times as well), reset the stroke adjustment and then draw the borders * around the view. */ - drawSelf:(NXRect *)r :(int) count { int ElapsedTime; [timeDisplay setStringValue:""]; PSsetgray(BACKGROUND); PSrectfill( bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); PSsetstrokeadjust(YES); PSsetlinewidth(BORDERWIDTH); PSsetgray(BORDERCOLOR); PSrectstroke( bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); PSsetgray(LINECOLOR); PSsetlinewidth([fieldWidth floatValue]); PSsetstrokeadjust(strokeAdjustment); PSWMarkTime(); NXPing(); if ([[matrixLineTypes cellAt:0 :0] state]) makeHorizLines(&bounds); if ([[matrixLineTypes cellAt:0 :1] state]) makeVertLines(&bounds); if ([[matrixLineTypes cellAt:1 :0] state]) makeDiagLines(&bounds); if ([[matrixLineTypes cellAt:1 :1] state]) makeArcs(&bounds); PSWReturnTime (&ElapsedTime); [timeDisplay setIntValue:ElapsedTime]; return self; } @end
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