README file for the ImportAdvanced application. This application covers importing and exporting EPS files and TIFF images. The important aspects here are caching the image in an NXImage and imaging it within an NXEPSImageRep. The NXEPSImageRep switches contexts which provides for a more robust recovery when errors are encountered in an EPS file. Without a separate context, errors within an EPS file could sink the application's context. The NXImage improves scrolling and other areas where quick redrawing is necessary. Other important aspects are the checking of the some of the included resources (fonts and files). A panel is displayed showing which resources are missing. If a %%IncludeFile: comment is encountered, then a temporary file or memory stream is written with the included file or files incorporated into it. Its this file or memory stream that's used for imaging. (This is done behind the veil of the NXEPSImageRep, but its hope that this functionality will be incorporated into the class at some later point.) The files can be copied into the document or imported by reference. Unfortunately, a little more work needs to be done to allow the user to locate a referenced file if it cannot be found. (That's left as an exercise for the reader.) The saveTo: menu item initiates the path to output the Adobe Illustrator compatible code for EPS files. Including a preview image as a comment in the file is also an option when saving as EPS. Another aspect of the application is the user interface. Importing by dragging out is possible as well as dropping in. The user can rotate the files and zoom in and out. These guidelines are not meant to establish a standard but provide a base from which to best decide what may work for a particular application. Portions of the source code in this application are based on source code from the Draw example application provided by NeXT. Below lies an annotated list of the files used in the application. The classes listed first form the majority of the application and are the more important ones to note. The others fill support roles. ImportApp - A subclass of Application. Manages the global operations. Document - A subclass of Responder. Manages the operations for a document. Operations such as import, save, etc. DocView - A subclass of View. Resides as the DocView of a ClipView and DrawingView. Positions the DrawingView within the ClipView. DrawingView - A subclass of View. The view that manages the drawing for a document. Contains the list of graphics. GraphicImport - A subclass of Object. Each imported eps and tiff file is managed through an instance of this object. Uses an NXImage to retain the image of the file offscreen and an NXEPSImageRepSub to swiche DPS contexts when imaging to protect the application's context. NXEPSImageRepSub - A subclass of NXEPSImageRep. Adds the resource parsing and checking routines, the include file handling and the drawing with rotation. NXBitmapImageRepSub - A subclass of NXBitmapImageRep. Adds the drawing with rotation. GraphicList - A subclass of List. Acts like a GraphicEpsf object but just passes each message on to the elements in the list. SaveAsPanel - A subclass of SavePanel. ResourcePanel - A subclass of Panel that displays the resources specified in the Epsf file but not found in the system. ImportPanel - A subclass of OpenPanel. ScrollingView - A subclass of ScrollView. One method overridden to scroll both the DrawingView and the offscreen buffer of the DrawingView. Preferences - A subclass of Panel. Uses for setting the preferences. epsfwraps.psw - Wraps for epsf files. epsfreader.m - Routines for parsing Eps files. epsfwriter.m - Routines for writing Eps files. epsferror.m - Error codes and messages for parsing errors. Topics of interest from ImportAdvanced: Parsing an Eps file (epsfreader) Resource checking and error flagging (epsfreader, GraphicImport, ResourcePanel) Imaging an Eps file into an NXImage (GraphicImport) Dragging out the place for an Eps file (DrawingView, GraphicImport) Saving As EPS/Illustrator (Document, DrawingView, GraphicImport, NXEPSImageRepSub) Rotating a graphic (DrawingView, GraphicImport, NXEPSImageRepSub, NXBitmapImageRepSub rotateprocs) Multiple graphics (DrawingView, GraphicList) Returning files to their Original Ratio and Original Size (DrawingView, GraphicImport) Muliple images per Epsf file (GraphicImport) Zooming in and out (DocView, DrawingView) Including a Proc Set (DrawingView)
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