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paperh22175 margl-907 margr0 margt0 margb0 {fonttblf0fswiss Helvetica;f1froman Times;f2fmodern Courier;f3ftech Symbol;f4froman Palantino;}fi0 ri0 ql sb0 f1 fs24 Release 2.0  Copyright f3 'e3f1 1991 by NeXT Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 fs16 fs28 
fs28 pard s6 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql fs56 Chapter 7
s18 Programming the DSP

fs56 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs28 fs16 fs28 This chapter explains how to access the DSP from software on a NeXT computer.  A brief review of the hardware is presented, followed by a description of ways to access the DSP.  Familiarity with the DSP56001, especially the host interface port, is assumed.
fs28 fs16 fs28 DSP details, including the D-15 connector pinouts, DSP memory map, and DSP instruction summary, can be found in i Referencei0 .
fs28 pard s22 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs36 fs16 

fs36 DSP Hardware
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 The hardware associated with the DSP includes:
fs28 pard s12 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 'b7	The Motorola DSP56001 clocked at 25 MHz 
'b7	8K 24-bit words of zero-wait-state RAM, private to the DSP 
'b7	Memory-mapped and DMA access (5 megabytes/sec) to the DSP host interface 
'b7	A D-15 connector that provides access to the DSP SSI and SCI serial ports
pard s22 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs36 fs16 

fs36 Booting the DSP
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 The DSP is in the reset state while not in use by some task.  When first accessed, it exits the reset state awaiting a bootstrap program.  You can write a DSP program to be fed to the DSP during the bootstrap sequence.  This and the following sections describe how to create, load, and communicate with your own DSP bootstrap program.
fs28 fs16 fs28 The DSP bootstrap program must be a single contiguous program segment starting at location p:0 in on-chip program memory, and it must not exceed 512 words in length (the size of on-chip program RAM).  Below is an example DSP bootstrap program:
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 ; boot56k.asm - Example DSP bootstrap program that goes into an 
fi0 ; infinite loop as it reads HRX, right-shifts one place, and
fi0 ; writes HTX
fi0          org p:0 
fi0 reset  jmp >rcv_buz
fi0          dup $40-2  ; output must be a contiguous segment 
fi0          nop
fi0          endm
fi0          org p:$40  ; typical starting address
fi0 rcv_buz jclr #0,x:$FFE9,rcv_buz  ; wait for data from host 
fi0          move x:$FFEB,A1
fi0          LSR A  ; right-shift one place
fi0 xmt_buz jclr #1,x:$FFE9,xmt_buz  ; send shifted word to host
fi0          move A1,x:$FFEB
fi0          jmp rcv_buz
fi0     end $40
s23 li1108 fi0 f1 b fs36 fs16 

fs36 DSP Assembly
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 To assemble this file (named b boot56k.asmb0 ) and create the object file b boot56k.lodb0 , type
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 asm56000 -b -a -l -os,so boot56k
pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 in a Terminal window.  b asm56000b0  is the Motorola DSP assembler program.  The command-line arguments used in the example are:
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	b -bb0  option tells the program to create an object file.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b -ab0  indicates that the object file should be absolute, or nonrelocatable.  Absolute files are indicated by the extension 'aa.lod'ba.  If b -a b0 is omitted, a relocatable file (extension 'aa.lnk'ba) is created.  You can convert a 'aa.lnk'ba file to a 'aa.lod'ba file by using the DSP linker program, b lnk56000b0 .
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b -lb0  produces a listing file (extension 'aa.lst'ba).  The file contains a script of the operations performed by the assembler and is useful while debugging.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b -os,so b0 causes the assembler to put symbol information in the object file.  This information is used by Bug56f3 'd4f1 , the DSP symbolic debugger.  Bug56 can be found in the directory b /NextDeveloper/Appsb0 .
fs28 pard s23 li1108 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs36 fs16 

fs36 DSP Tools Documentation
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 There are three UNIX manual pages documenting the DSP assemblerb  asm56000b0 , linkerb  lnk56000b0 , and librarianb  lib56000b0 .  Complete documentation of these tools is also provided in the directory b /NextLibrary/Documentation/Motorolab0 .  The Bug56b  b0 application has an extensive help facility (available in the main menu), and is documented in the directory b /NextLibrary/Documentation/Arielb0 .
fs28 pard s23 li1108 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs36 fs16 

fs36 Binary DSP Object File Format
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 The 'aa.lod'ba object file written by the assembler is in a machine-independent ASCII format.  NeXT supports a more efficient binary 'aa.dsp'ba format.  A 'aa.lod'ba file can be converted to a 'aa.dsp'ba file using the program b dspimgb0 .  For example,
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 dspimg boot56k.lod boot56k.dsp
pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 converts b boot56k.lodb0  to 'aa.dsp'ba format.  As a convenience, the extension of the input file name defaults to 'aa.lod,'ba and the output file name, when omitted, is derived from the input file name, so this example can also appear as
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 dspimg boot56k
s23 li1108 fi1512 fi0 f1 b fs36 fs16 

fs36 Loading the DSP Bootstrap Program
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 After you'27ve prepared the bootstrap program b boot56k.lodb0  or b boot56k.dspb0 , you can load it into the DSP from a C program by calling the b DSPBootFile()b0  function.  As shown in the following example, the function takes the name of the bootstrap program file as its single argument.
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 /*
fi0  * test_boot56k.c - read and load boot56k.dsp (bootstrap file)
fi0  * To compile and link:  
fi0  *     cc test_boot56k.c -ldsp_s -lsys_s
fi0  */
fi0 #include <dsp/dsp.h>   /* needed by programs that use the DSP */
fi0 main()
fi0 {
fi0     DSPBootFile("boot56k.dsp");  /* "boot56k.lod" works, too */
fi0     /* Communicate with DSP program here */
fi0 }
pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 After the call to b DSPBootFile()b0 , the DSP remains open and can be accessed via the Mach driver or by simple host interface programming, as discussed in the next section.
fs28 pard s22 li100 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs36 fs16 

fs36 Software Access to the DSP
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 There are two basic ways to access the DSP:
fs28 pard s12 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 'b7	Reading and writing the host interface registers
'b7	Sending and receiving Mach messages to and from the sound/DSP driver
pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 
fs28 These access modes are described below.
fs28 pard s23 li1108 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs36 fs16 

fs36 Host Interface Access
fs36 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 Reading and writing the eight bytes of the DSP host interface is the simplest and most general way to access the DSP.  In this access mode, you have complete control over the DSP software.  There are no programming conventions to obey and no reserved DSP resources.  The disadvantages are that you must write your own DSP communication services, and the DSP can'27t interrupt the host processor.  Lack of interrupt capability implies lack of direct memory access (DMA) transfer between the DSP and host memory.  The Mach driver interface must be used to field DSP device interrupts.
fs28 pard s24 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs28 fs16 

fs28 Host Interface Programming Example
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 The following example illustrates communication with the example bootstrap program b boot56k.asmb0  given above.
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 /* To compile and link: cc test_getput.c -ldsp_s -lsys_s */
fi0 #include <dsp/dsp.h>
fi0 main() {
fi0     int tval,reply;
fi0     DSPBootFile("boot56k");
fi0     DSPSetHF0();  /* Set HF0 */
fi0     DSPSetHF1();  /* Set HF1 */
fi0     DSPReadICR(&reply);       /* 8 bits, right-justified */
fi0     printf("\n\ticr = 0x%X\n",reply);
    DSPReadISR(&reply);       /* 8 bits, right-justified */
fi0     printf("\tisr = 0x%X\n",reply);
    tval = 0xBBCCDD;          /* test value */
fi0     DSPWriteTX(tval);         /* 24 bits, right-justified in 32 */
    /* Wait for the data to become ready (RXDF on). */
fi0     while (!DSPDataIsAvailable());
fi0     while (DSPDataIsAvailable()) {
fi0         DSPReadRX(&reply); /* 24 bits, right-justified */
fi0         printf("\trx = 0x%X\n",reply); }
fi0     if (reply != tval>>1)
fi0         printf("ERROR: rx should be = 0x%X\n",tval>>1);
fi0 }
pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 The output of this program should be
fs28 pard s7 li2620 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 icr = 0x18
fi0 isr = 0x6
fi0 rx = 0x5DE66E
s11 li2116 fi0 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 b Note:  b0 Since IVR isn'27t used in the DSP host interface, there are no functions for reading and writing that register.
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 fs28 For convenience (and efficiency), whole arrays can be written to the transmit registers using
fs28 fs16 fs28 	b DSPWriteTXArray(b0 i intArrayi0 , i numberOfIntsb i0 )
fs28 b0 fs16 fs28 and read from the receive registers of the DSP using
fs28 fs16 fs28 	b DSPReadRXArray(b0 i intArrayi0 ,i  numberOfIntsb i0 )
fs28 b0 fs16 fs28 Each word of the transfer is conditioned on TXDE for b DSPWriteTXArray()b0  and on RXDF for b DSPReadRXArray()b0 .
fs28 pard s24 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs28 fs16 

fs28 DSP Error Handling
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 Most of the DSP system functions (prefix 'aaDSP'ba) return an integer error code, where 0 indicates success and nonzero indicates failure.  These functions also write a string describing the error to the file name passed as the single argument to b DSPEnableErrorFile()b0 .
fs28 pard s24 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs28 fs16 

fs28 Restrictions on Host Interface Programming
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 Certain restrictions apply to the operation of the write/read primitives (which are implemented using the Mach driver):
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	To write the ICR, you use the functions b DSPSetHF1()b0 ,b  DSPSetHF0()b0 ,b  DSPClearHF1()b0 , and b DSPClearHF0()b0 .  
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	To write the CVR, you pass a host command identifier (an integer) to the b DSPHostCommand() b0 function.  The host commands are described in the i Motorola DSP56001 User'27s Manuali0 .
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 fs28 These restrictions are necessary because the DSP driver uses TREQ and HREQ for its own purposes.  In particular, HREQ causes an interrupt that causes the driver to read all available words from the DSP into a kernel buffer.  A call to b DSPGetRX()b0  actually fetches words from this buffer rather than from the DSP directly.
fs28 pard s24 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b fs28 fs16 

fs28 Host Interface Access Functions
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 fs28 fs16 fs28 Functionsb  b0 that support simple host interface programming, such as b DSPReadRX()b0 , are currently documented in the procedure prototypes defined in the following header files in the directory b /usr/include/dspb0 :
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	b dsp.h b0 is ab  b0 master header file that pulls in all function prototypes for the DSP library (b libdsp_s.ab0 ).
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPError.h b0 contains prototypes for the DSP error handling functions.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPConversion.hb0  prototypes the functions that convert data between type DSPFix24 and b intb0 , b floatb0 , and b doubleb0 .
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPObject.h b0 prototypes the low-level DSP interface functions.
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 fs28 b DSPObject.hb0  contains many functions that are useful only in conjunction with the array processing or Music Kit monitors.  The following sections list the functions that are useful regardless of the DSP monitor that you use.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Orienting the Host
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetDSPCount()b0  returns the number of DSPs in your cube.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPSetCurrentDSP(b0 int i indexb i0 )b0  and b DSPGetCurrentDSP()b0  set and return, respectively, the zero-based index of the DSP upon which subsequent DSP functions will act.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPSetMessagePriority(b0 int i priorityb i0 ) b0 andb  DSPGetMessagePriority() b0 set and return, respectively, the priority of messages sent to the current DSP.  There are three priorities, represented as the constants DSP_MSG_HIGH, DSP_MSG_MED, and DSP_MSG_LOW.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPSetOpenPriority(b0 int i priorityb i0 )b0  and b DSPGetOpenPriority()b0  set and return, respectively, the priority with which a subsequent call to b DSPOpenNoBoot() b0 opens the DSP.  There are two priorities:  0 is low and 1 is high.  With high priority, a process can gain access to the DSP even if it has already been opened by another process.  This is used mostly by the DSP debugger.  The original process should be frozen while the new process steps in and looks around.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPEnableHostMsg() b0 andb  DSPDisableHostMsg() b0 enable and disable, respectively, DSP host message protocol.  b DSPHostMsgIsEnabled()b0  returns the current state of the protocol.  With this protocol, DSP error messages are sent on the DSP error port.  Otherwise, all messages arrive on the DSP message port.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Opening and Closing the DSP
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPInit()b0  opens the DSP and loads a minimal, generic DSP boot program.  This is the function that'27s most commonly called to open the DSP.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPOpenNoBoot() b0 opens the DSP without loading a boot program.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPOpenNoBootHighPriority() b0 performs a high-priorityb  b0 open without loading a boot program.  This is normally used only by the DSP debugger.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPReset()b0  resets the DSP (which must already be open).  A reset DSP is awaiting a bootstrap program.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPBootFile(b0 char *i filenameb i0 ) b0 opens (if necessary) andb  b0 boots the DSP from the given program file.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPBoot(b0 DSPLoadSpec *i systemb i0 ) b0 opens (if necessary) and boots the DSP from the given program.  DSPLoadSpec is defined in b /usr/lib/include/dsp_structs.hb0 .
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPClose() b0 andb  DSPRawClose()b0  close the DSP; the Raw close doesn'27t clean up the device.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPCloseSaveState() b0 and b DSPRawCloseSaveState() b0 are like the previous functions, but the state of the open modes are retained and used in a subsequent reopening of the DSP.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 DSP Ownership Information
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPIsOpen() b0 returns nonzero if the DSP is open.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetOwnerString() b0 returns a pointer to a string that contains information about the process that currently owns the DSP.  It'27s in a form exemplified by the following:
fs28 pard s10 li3124 fi0 ri1007 ql f2 fs24 DSP opened in PID 351 by me on Sun Jun 18 17:50:46 1989
pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 f1 fs28 fs16 
fs28 'b7	b DSPOpenWhoFile() b0 registers the current owner of the DSP in the DSP log file.  This is called implicitly by the functions that open the DSPb .
fs28 b0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPCloseWhoFile() b0 deletes the DSP log file.  This is called implicitly by the functions that close the DSP.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Reading and Writing DSP/Host Interface Flags
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPSetHF0()b0 ,b  DSPClearHF0()b0 , andb  DSPGetHF0() b0 set, clear, and return the state of HF0 (host flag 0), respectively.
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 fs28 An analogous set of functions is provided for HF1, and a b DSPGet...b0  functionb  b0 (only) is provided for HF2 and HF3.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Reading and Writing Interface Registers
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPReadICR(b0 intb  *b0 i registerValuePtrb i0 )b0  reads the DSP Interrupt Control Register into the integer pointed to by the argumenti  i0 (8 bits, right-justified).
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetICR()b0  returns the ICR register.
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 fs28 An analogous set of functions is provided for the Command Vector Register (CVR), and the Interrupt Status Register (ISR).
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Reading and Writing Commands and Data
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPHostCommand(b0 int i cmdb i0 )b0  issues the given host command.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPWriteTX(b0 DSPFix24 i wordb i0 ) b0 writes the low-order 24 bits of i word i0 into the DSP Transmit Byte registers.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPWriteTXArray(b0 DSPFix24 *i dataPtri0 , int i nb i0 ) b0 writes i n i0 words from i dataPtr i0 into the DSP Transmit Byte registers.
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPWriteTXArrayB(b0 DSPFix24 *i dataPtri0 , int i nb i0 ) b0 writes the data backwards.
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPReadRX(b0 DSPFix24 *i wordPtrb i0 )b0  reads the next word from the DSP Receive Byte registers into the 24-bit word (right-justified) pointed to by the argument.  The function waits for the time limit returned by b DSPDefaultTimeLimit()b0  to expire before giving up (and returning an error code).
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPReadRXArray(b0 DSPFix24 *i dataPtri0 , int i nb i0 )b0  reads the next i n i0 words from the RX registers into i dataPtr.
fs28 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetRX() b0 returns the RX register.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Synchronization
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPAwaitHC(b0 int i msTimeLimitb i0 ) b0 waits for the HC bit to clear.  This happens when the next instruction to be executed on the DSP is the first word of the Host Command interrupt vector.  i msTimeLimiti0  is the maximum wait time; 0 means wait forever.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPAwaitTRDY(b0 int i msTimeLimitb i0 )b0  waits for the TRDY bit to be set.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPAwaitData(b0 int i msTimeLimitb i0 ) b0 waits for the DSP to send data to the host.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPDataIsAvailable() b0 returns nonzero if data from the DSP is available.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 Ports
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 The following functions return a b port_tb0  value; the b port_tb0  data type is defined in b /usr/include/sys/message.hb0 .  The DSP must be open before you call any of these functions.
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetOwnerPort() b0 returns the port that conveys DSP and sound-out ownershipb .
fs28 b0 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetHostMessagePort()b0  returns the port that'27s used to send host messages to the DSP.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetDSPMessagePort() b0 returns the port that'27s used to receive DSP messages sent from the DSP to the host.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetErrorPort() b0 returns the port that receives error messages from the DSP.
fs28 pard s25 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql b i fs16 

fs28 The Simulator 
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 b0 i0 fs16 fs28 The Motorola DSP56001 simulator, b sim56000b0 , isn'27t provided by NeXT; it can be obtained directly from Motorola.
fs28 pard s0 li2620 fi-503 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 tx4132 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPIsSimulated() b0 returns nonzero if the DSP is being simulated.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPIsSimulatedOnly() b0 returns nonzero if the DSP simulator output is open while the DSP is closed.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPOpenSimulatorFile(b0 charb  b0 *i filenameb i0 ) b0 opens i filenamei0  for simulator output.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPCloseSimulatorFile() b0 closes the simulator output file.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPStartSimulatorFP(b0 FILE *i filePtrb i0 ) b0 starts the simulator, with output i filePtri0 .
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPGetSimulatorFP() b0 returns a pointer to the simulator output file.
fs28 fs16 fs28 'b7	b DSPStopSimulator() b0 stops the simulator.
fs28 pard s13 li2116 fi0 ri1007 ql tx2620 tx3124 tx3628 fs16 fs28 
fs28 fs16 fs28 
fs28 }

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.